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Na wa oooo....Satan visited me and asked me

Started by martina, 2018-01-11 15:54

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Na wa oooo....Satan visited me and asked me:
"How far?..
I told him: "I thank God for everything..."
He laughed me to scorn..
He said what on earth shld I thank God for?...
He showed me my mates who are living inside
mansions, and I said hahaaa and I showed him
my mates who are also inside d grave...
He showed me some of my mates who are inside
d costliest cars in town...
I also showed him some of my mates who are
inside d costliest caskets in town...
He showed me d fat bank account of some of my
And I showed him d hospital bills of some others
who are terribly sick...
He took me to boutiques, to show me those who
are dressed with d most expensive designer
clothings ...
I took him to d prisons and cells scattered all
over d country..and I showed him guys who were
accused innocently who have been there for many
years...Even their loved ones has forgotten dem
Satan felt broken and wanted to leave me alone...
But i told him to follow me to just one place...
I took him to d mortuary and I now showed him
many of my mates who are lying down there
naked and dead ...
He could not say anything again...
He left me and ran away...
Friends, don't let anything get u depressed...u are
not a mistake,u are not an accident no matter
what has happened to u or how bad u think u are
faring in life...
There is always something God is doing in ur life
that ur enemy are envying....
U can't withdraw ur own money from ur bank
without ur ATM card or bank slip...
The Bible said that with joy we shall DRAW from
d wells of salvation...
There are many things to draw from God...and
thank him still for in ur life...JOY is ur ATM card
Without JOY,u will draw nothing...
That is why Nehemiah, in d midst of battles, he
was able to say: "The joy of d Lord is my
Beloved God might not have done everything...
But he has done many things...
If only u know how much evil and shame that the
Lord has spared you from in the past 10 months
you will appreciate God for what you are today...
To him that is joined to the living, there is
hope....For a living dog is better than a dead lion.
Be thoughtful, be thankful...
David understood this and he said...
"If it has not been the Lord who was on our side,
they would have swallowed me up quick when
their anger was kindled against us...
But our souls as a bird has escaped the snare of
d fowler..."
Today, if u are really grateful just share this chat
and let others know that its true that God has
shamed the devil in his/her life.
Remember what u are today is not the
final.....God is preparing something bigger

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