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Started by pastor_uche, 2012-08-02 19:40

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Sex in relationships before marriage succeeds in making the lady to love the man more and making the man to love the BODY of the woman more. When you engage in Premarital sex you end up loosing out. It may appear that the guy is loving you more but the truth is that he is loving your BODY not you. Premarital sex kills love and redirects focus. More still IT IS A SIN. Tell that guy 'NO MORE SEX' and watch if his attitude towards you will change.He may even think that he is loving you more but in actual sense that love has been adulterated with sex. Hebrews 13:4. IF YOU BEGIN A RELATIONSHIP WITH SEX, YOU WILL TRY TO KEEP IT WITH SEX AND MAY EVENTUALLY LOSE IT WHEN THERE IS NO MORE SEX. Any relationship that is SEX-FOCUSED is dead already. But God can restore if only you can truly STOP.


It is important to note that sex is not just penetration, sex is consideration, sex is imagination. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.Proverbs 23:7. Jesus said something very striking in Matthew 5:28, He said a man that looks at a woman lustfully has already slept with her. There is no fornication without consideration or imagination. It is not your sex organ that is the problem...SO THE ZIP UP PRINCIPLE WILL NOT WORK. Fornication is a mind problem. Adultery is a mind problem. Your body has been programed to do whatever your mind thinks. So if you think dirty you will act dirty. Whatever influences your mind influences your actions. God spoke in Genesis 11:5, that nothing can stop whatever you imagine to do, not even prayers and fasting. So many people had broken their fast by fornicating because they don't know that you need to fill up your mind and thoughts with the word of God regularly to be able to have enough capacity to flee when the temptation arises. Marriage is not an escape route from fornication. A husband with a dirty mind will soon start sleeping with other girls. So guard your heart with all diligence. Some people enjoy thinking dirty. All those worldly musical video you watch are just preparing you for fornication or masturbation. To stop premarital sex you have to take care of your mind. Any time a thought that is ungodly goes there cast it away in the name of Jesus and purify your mind with the blood of Jesus Christ then start filling it up with God's word. Receive grace in Jesus name.

NO MORE PREMARITAL SEX. PART 3(The initiators and the complements)

Now the issue of premarital sex has become a struggle for many people, Christians inclusive. It is not that it is so powerful and cannot be subdued. But the issue is knowledge. Proverbs 11:9 says through knowledge shall the just be delivered. Deliverance is basically by knowledge. Don't upset yourself, it would not end by prayer and fasting alone. Have you seen someone fornicating on the road in a public place? the answer is NO. Why? because they are conscious of the presence of people. Now if they are truly conscious of the presence of God(who is everywhere) then they would avoid this sin in private places. The issue we are looking at today is the facilitators(initiators) of premarital sex. The devil is not the cause or the tempter. Until you understand the root of a problem you will keep getting victory today and defeat tomorrow. To be permanently free from premarital sex you must see yourself as the problem, not the devil. A man is tempted when he is drawn by his own lust,James 1:14 not by the devil. The devil is not fighting you, most of the time it is your lust, you feed your flesh and starve your spirit and your soul, so your body has no power to resist. For every act of premarital sex one person is either the initiator or the complement. The initiator makes the move while the complement allows the move for no just cause or basically just to please the initiator.

The guy or the girl could be the initiator but if the other person refuses to complement, the initiator's effort will be in vain. The major problem is not the initiator but the complement. Without the complement, the initiator is helpless. Now you must ask yourself the question, in that premarital sex issue, are you a complement or the initiator?. If you are a complement dating a complement, that relationship can easily be free of premarital sex. But if you are dating an initiator while you are a complement you have to flee otherwise you will fall. The solution for the initiator is to feed his or her mind with God's word daily. The question is knowing who you are and applying the appropriate treatment. I see you free already, because when knowledge comes, power comes. You have the power to overcome that sin. Romans 6:14. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRIES. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 21322745.
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


This is really major challenge face by the society specially youth.
Thank you for the education.


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