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Our Holy Mother travels the whole world taking away our worries and our anguish

Started by Gloria Girl, 2018-05-17 14:10

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Gloria Girl

formerly, in the month of May it was customary, among Catholics, to send an image of the Virgin inside a little box that went from house to house.

These people were very proud to receive the image in their home.

In memory of that ancient custom I send this prayer to the Virgin Mary to help you, in case you accept it.

It will be a test of Love to continue with this message, so that the Virgin Mary may travel from house to house, from home to home, from desk to desk. She will be fine if she comes to a place where someone needs her and She can help ... alleviate the problems.

Our Holy Mother travels the whole world taking away our worries and our anguish. I send it to you, do not hold it, and help it to continue on its way, bringing relief to those who need it, because there are many who need it at this precise moment.
Blessed be your purity, and eternally be it, for a whole God rejoices in such graceful beauty.

To you Celestial Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you in this day, soul, life and heart, look at us with compassion, do not leave us my Mother.

Holy Child of God, Holy Mother of God, Holy Spouse of God.

My heart to your plants I put divine Mary so that you can offer it to Jesus along with my Soul.

For Your Sacred Heart Very sweet Mother, defend us night and day and all guilt and sin. Amen.

Good trip Our Lady
of the Holy Rosary.

Send it to people you want to bless.

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Receive it with your heart and share it if you love Maria. ????
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