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Started by pastor_uche, 2012-08-22 16:54

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Beloved I greet you in the precious name of Jesus Christ. It is important to know that there is a carnality season of a Christian. But the good news is that it can be overcome. The carnality season is that period when a christian does what he or she is not suppose to do, the carnality season is the period where the christian involves himself or herself in immoral acts, lies, gossips, the flesh seems to be having its way during this period. In Romans chapter 7, Paul was lamenting,because he was a victim of this. The carnality season is the season, when even after fasting and prayers, the person still indulges in one sin or the other. In overcoming this carnality season, one must understand the reasons for or the causes of this kind of experience;

1. When you feel you cannot fall into sin OR when you believe you are too big to fall into sin. 1st Corinthians 10:12 says take Heed...lest you fall thinking you are standing.

2. When you see yourself as more important or better than people living in sin, then you are already falling already. You are what you are by the grace and the mercy of God.

3. When you laugh or mock people that fell into sin; this is a stepping stone into the carnality season. THE WORSE SINNER TODAY, CAN BE THE BEST CHRISTIAN AND SOUL WINNER TOMORROW.

4. When you no longer pray or study the word of God regularly, when you stop attending church services, then you are slipping into the carnal season gradually.

5. You may find yourself falling into certain sins, just to learn that you need to grow spiritually in some areas you have ignored.

6. When you feel you are too spiritual, please beware because you are about to fall into a sin that could be avoided.

7. When you are OVER excited OR DEPRESSED. The bible says that we should be sober and vigilant.1st Peter 5:8

8. Re-occurring sin is an indication that you need to build up your spiritual capacity in the word of God. So keep taking in the word.

When you find yourself in this season, you must check out for these causes and correct them, and you must embrace the mercy and the grace of God. You are not better than anybody, it is just by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that you are where you are. So you must be humble and always examine yourself daily. Many people fell into the carnality season and never came out, but your case is different, YOU SHALL OVERCOME IN JESUS NAME. SIN CANNOT HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU. Romans 6:14. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRIES.+2348052773865. BB PIN is 21322745.
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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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