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Patience is not the length of time but the rest of mind while waiting.

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-06-27 16:08

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Patience is one compulsory virtue you must possess if you must get anything from God. What you patiently wait for you value. Who you patiently wait for you respect. People worry most times because they are in a hurry to get something.Worry adds nothing to you,rather it weakens your emotion,it makes you restless and unfocused.And when you are unfocused you will always be missing opportunities.Patience is not the length of time you wait for a thing.Patience is the rest of mind you have while waiting for that thing.And it is this rest of mind that makes your mind single and focused. Because a double minded person cannot receive anything from God. My dear wait,there is no shame to them that wait on God. I know that what may be going on in your mind right now is "how long do I have to wait". Wait till your patience is complete and that issue not longer makes you restless and unfocused.Wait till whether if it comes or not you will no longer be moved.Wait till your trust for God is total.Wait till your joy is stable,not because of the happenings but because of God.Once your patience is total,that thing that you need will automatically come to pass.There is no shame to them that wait on God.Patience is a display of real trust.Receive grace in Jesus name.James 1:4,Hebrews 10:36:Omega Cyber
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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Well, isn't always easy, but by God grace we shall be patient as expected by God. Thank you for the word.

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