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Pursue, Overtake & Recover All.This Is Your Season Of Restoration In Jesus Name

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-04-04 19:10

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Pursue, overtake and recover all...This is your season of restoration in Jesus Name.

You are meant to possess your possession not to be suffering oppression by frustrations and delays. Obadiah verse 17 says that upon mount Zion there shall be deliverance and the sons of Jacob shall possess their possessions. Joshua chapter 1 vs. 3 says, where ever the sole of your feet shall step on you shall possess. In psalms 68:19, the word of God says that God loads us with benefits everyday. So you see, you are supposed to be enjoying life not to be enduring life. You are supposed to be commanding envy not to be attracting pity.

My brother, my sister if only you know the blessings God has given you that the enemy has stolen away then you will be filled with Holy anger, ready  to take them back. Matthew 11:12. Are you in lack and want, are you jobless, are you in debt, are you having marital disfavors, are moving from failures to failures, is your health failing? After today whatsoever has been stolen by the devil shall be restored in the name of Jesus.

In john 10:10, the devil stock in trade is to steal...kill and destroy but God's own is to give you abundance. Ephesians 3:20. Why then does it look like things are getting worse instead of better? The answer is simple; the devil has stolen it some how.

How does this happen? That is, how does the devil divert your blessings causing you to experience continuous delays in any area of life? He uses sin as his bait. Whenever you commit any form of sin, you have just succeeded in allowing the devil steal from you. Whenever you sin against God, you indirectly open the door for the devil to take what belongs to you. Adam and Eve lost the garden of Eden when they disobeyed God. Sin will always bring losses any day, any time. But in a moment from now the mercies of God will speak for you in Jesus name.

In Joel chapter 2 vs. 25, the word of God says that God will restore all the years that the locust......have stolen...That is wasted years and time is about to be restored in the name of Jesus. You will pursue, overtake and recover all the years/time, blessings and favors that have been stolen in the name of Jesus.1st Samuel 30:8.

Steps to your restoration

1.   Genuine Repentance: I know that you may be a Christian, but are there still secret sins in your life? Are there weights and besetting sins, are you still struggling with a wrong attitude or ungodly habit, it is time to repent. Pray that your conscience be purged by the word of God. You have to stop every act or thought of sin, you have to resist it by the blood of Jesus. Genuine repentance is not by saying "I am sorry" over and over again. Genuine repentance is a change, I see you receiving that change that you desire in Jesus precious name.

2.   Be ready to pursue: to pursue means to run with speed, that is you must be desperate for a change, you must desire a change of story; you must desire a quick intervention by the power of God, you must desire to take what belong to you. Proverbs 18:1. To run means to engage your feet. There is a shoe of destiny for you and it is with this shoe that you can possess what belongs to you. Joshua 1:3. I see you putting on that shoe in faith as you prayerfully pursue. Engage the word of God in prayers. Pray with Joel 2:25. Command your restoration by force. You are not where you ought to be, this is not your place, you are supposed to be lending to nations not to be borrowing. Deuteronomy 15:6 and 28:12. Begin to decree as you do this; you are pursuing.

3.   Be ready to overtake: The word of God says that you shall pursue, over take and recover all. You over take with wisdom. Wisdom is profitable to direct...Ecclesiastes 10:10.You have to be aware of all that you have lost and write them down so that when you start getting them back you will know. Be expectant because in a little while your good news is returning in Jesus mighty name. Pray for wisdom, pray for grace to make wise decisions.

4.   Be ready to recover: You recover through the instrumentality of praise and thanksgiving. Begin to praise God because your restoration is total. Be dedicated to always use your mouth to glorify and praise God, not to complain and murmur. Philippians 4:6, Psalms 67:5-7.

Finally, brethren I pray for you, according to Isaiah 42:22; I decree your total restoration in the name of Jesus. From today the blessings of God will make you rich without sorrow. You shall possess your possession and enter your inheritance in the name of Jesus. You are a joint heir with Christ, you are a co owner, and therefore you must eat the good of the land. Begin to possess your possessions in Jesus Might name. Halleluyah! Rejoice!!!

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See you next time, until then always know that JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO I.
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