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Started by pastor_uche, 2016-05-08 16:54

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Rhema For Now.

Please do not ignore and also share as it is.The word I am about to share right now is not my word, it is not a word, it is not just another word BUT God's sent word for this very HOUR.  God showed me a mystery and asked me to show you. It is the hidden Mystery of Multiplication.God is a God of multiplication. He can multiply just anything and give it back to you. He multiplies grace and peace, He multiplied a little boy's launch of five loaves and two fish so much so that above five thousand people were fully fed with 12 baskets remaining. He multiplies testimonies and can also multiply money. John 6:1-13. Jesus Christ would have multiplied nothing if there was nothing given to Him. What do you want God to multiply? When you are alone put that thing on the floor, or a symbol of that thing. If it is money put a bill on the floor,  if it is a baby put a picture of it or diapers or pampers on the floor, if it is marriage write the qualities of the person on a paper and place it on the floor. If you have done this, then say this exact words: " LORD JESUS LIKE THE LITTLE BOY'S LUNCH GIVEN TO YOU I PLACE THIS IN YOUR HAND ACCEPT IT AND GIVE ME BACK A MULTIPLIED TESTIMONY OF MY DESIRES IN JESUS NAME" As you pick up those items you are picking multiple heap of testimonies in Jesus name.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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