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Started by pastor_uche, 2016-08-08 09:09

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BECAUSE NOTHING HAS HAPPENED,DOES NOT MEAN SOMETHING IS NOT HAPPENING. Most of the time, God's work becomes glaring and evident at the end, you hardly may be able to see the process and rate the progress.

The reason why God may sometimes hide the process and the progress of the great thing He is doing for you is so that you can act in f.a.i.t.h. Once you can see it physically there is every tendency that you may begin to walk by sight. And walking by sight hinders the work of God. 2nd Corinthians 5:7. But suddenly, at the END, it will manifest so big that you and the people around you will know that it is God.

Yesterday, I watched as a movie was being downloaded from the internet, we couldn't see the progress bar to know how far it has gone and what remains, the person with me was even tempted to cancel the download after some minutes, but I insisted that we wait. The moment the download completed,the progress bar became full suddenly. Then God ministered to my spirit, that many miss their testimonies and miracles/breakthroughs, not because He is not working, but because they cannot see the process and measure the progress with their eyes and minds. How true this is, Naaman was asked by the Prophet to go and deep himself inside the river 7 times to be made whole, he didn't see any improvement until the seventh time, if he had stopped at the fifth time then he would have missed his miracle. Hold on to the word of God that you have received, it is working already, it would soon be evident. God has told you that that woman is your wife and that man is your husband and you cannot see any sign because he or she does not relate with you in that manner, hold on so that you will not lose all, God has told you that that Job is yours and here you are, not even one call for an interview has come and you feel like giving up on God. Hold on, SOMETHING GREAT IS ALREADY HAPPENING. BE BLESSED IN JESUS NAME.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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