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Spiritual odours.

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-05-18 18:57

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The world of the spirit is deep, knowledge is the master key. You Just Must Know Some Certain Things. Do you know that there is an odour of disfavour that the enemy puts on people. The devil does that at night when men are sleeping physically or sleeping spiritually, that is when they are weak spiritually. Matthew 13:28. In Zechariah chapter 3; Joshua the high priest was covered with a filthy garment. That is a spiritual odour. He didn't know. There are many breakthroughs you may have missed due to this spiritual odour.

You were so close to getting that favour and all of a sudden things just changed. That is because the enemy has put on you unknowingly the garment of disfavour. This garment will make those who wants to show you favour or marry you or bless you or help you just change their minds. They may even see you as someone evil in their dreams and change their minds. But from today the Holy Ghost fire will neutralise that evil odour and spray you with the fragrance of favour. The Holy Ghost will make you attractive in Jesus name.

I anoint you with the smell of favour today, you will be helped greatly in Jesus name. Those who have forgotten you will suddenly remember you because spiritually there have been a change. Lay your hand upon your head and make this declarations; ( Father; tear to pieces the garment of disfavour and put on me the garment of favour today in Jesus name, Anoint my head and ward off every spiritual stink that misrepresent me in the hearts of my helpers in Jesus name. Thank you for your intervention in Jesus name) YOUR TESTIMONIES ARE OVER RIPE YOU WILL HARVEST THEM TODAY IN Jesus NAME. Please spread this message to people connected to you and God will bless you for it.

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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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