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Started by martina, 2018-01-23 11:04

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Text: Romans 8:31
When God arises and the enemies see Him behind you they will run.
Acts 9:15 Your enemies are God's enemies if you are in Christ. Saul asked God "who are you..?"
"I am Jesus who you are persecuting". Those who persecute you are unwittingly persecuting Jesus who will in turn fight for you.
In James 4:7 If only you will submit to God the devil will run from you. You are a terror to the devil.
According to Acts 19:13-17 if you belong to God devil will recognize you. "Jesus I know..."
Mark 16:17 "These signs shall follow my name.
Isaiah 54:16-17 If you belong to God no weapon formed against you shall prosper because God says "I am the maker of the items they are putting together to make the weapon."
In Numbers 23:20-24 If the enemies want to curse you who belong to God as they open their mouths they will end up blessing you.
The moment the enemies know that you are not on the side of God they know that you are an easy meat and prey.
The devil is always praying "God show me the one who I will attack today and leave the two of us alone." May God not disown you.
You need to make up your mind to submit to Jesus.
Deut 30:19 says, "I call the Heaven and the earth to bear witness. I place before you blessings and curses; life and death." But choose life.
Choose to give your life to Jesus now.
TEXT: Luke 11:21-23
"...But when a stronger man than he..."
The Lord is speaking here about two people: the strong one who is well armed keeping his goods. But when a stronger fellow comes he will overpower the strong man and dispossess him of his goods.
It is good to be strong. Joel 3:10 says let the weak say "I am strong".
Physically, it is the plan of God for all His children to be strong. None of the Israelites left Egypt sick or feeble. Ps 105:37
In Ex 15:26 God does not want sickness to stay in your body.
In Gen 33:4-9 you will see that Esau had enough even after receiving left over blessings from his father, Isaac.
Spiritually, God wants every member of the Church to be strong. In 2 Kings 1:9-12 Elisha became spiritually strong despite receiving only a portion of anointing from Elijah.
? Father, beginning from now let every form of weakness end in my life now.
In Acts 3:1-8 Peter healed the lame man because he was spiritually strong.
2 Kings 4:1-7 Elisha was used to solve the financial problems of the widow of the prophet.
Spiritually God wants you to cast out demons. We are to embark on the rescue mission to save and help others.
Acts 16:16-18. When you know God you don't have to spend hours casting our demons. Just issue commands!!!
For you to be stronger than your enemies you must be supported by the strongest. Rom 8:31.
Ps 24:7-10 If the Lord of hosts is on your side the enemies will know that if they mess with you the Commander in Chief will mess them up. When you are supported by the strongest then you can deliver anybody. The name of Jesus conquers all Phil 2:9-11. Understand that it is not by your power that you will deliver others. Zecharias 4:6 says it is not by might not by power but by my spirit.
?Father, I am counting on your support. Help me to rescue the captives.
# You must be connected to the tireless. David was a giant killer. But in 2 Sam 21:15-17 David grew tired and could have died if someone did not hold him.
Ex 17:8-13 There was war between the children of Israel and the Amalekites. Israel was winning as long as the hands of Moses were up. But at some point the hands of Moses began to grow weary.
Isaiah 40:31 "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength"
If you are connected to the one who is never tired you will not know tiredness again.
?Father, don't let me be disconnected from you.
#You must be inhabited by the greatest. 1 John 4:4. "Little children you have overcome them. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world". When God is inhabiting you the power to do the impossible is available to you. Eph 3:20. People will be hearing the voice of the greatest when you speak. 1 Peter 4:11 When you speak you will speak as an oracle of God.
The One who is inside of you will be the One dictating what will happen in your life.
?Father, dwell in me richly.
1. Aggressive praise. 2 Chronicles 20:1-24. When you praise God agressively God will take over. John 4:24. Your "Halleluyah" from now on must change.
2. Agressive prayers. Matt 15:21-28. The mother of the victim prayed agressively until she got a miracle for her daughter.
3. Aggressive giving. God's kingdom requires a lot of financial resources to be spread all over the world.
?Father, everything I need to serve you, please provide for me abundantly
4. Above all, your faith must be aggressive. Mark 11:22-24. Younmay be saying that you dont have faith but you have faith if you don't know. Each time you take it for granted that you can sit without checking the chair or fly without asking the pilot questions, you are exercising faith. Just trust God more. God now expects you to put faith into action.
?Father, I trust in you. Don't let me be ashamed.
5. Arise and shine. Isaiah 60:1.
1. Praise God.
2. Father, from now on let enemies see me and run.
3. Father, please anoint me specially to heal the sick and cast out demons.
4. Father, please make me a blessing to my generation.
5. Father, keep me pure and holy so that you can dwell in me.
6. Father; from now on let me shine for you.
7. Father, please grant my special requests concerning 2018.
1. The Lord said the rain you have been expecting shall start falling this month.
2. Every month of this year you will enjoy wonders.
3. Every member of RCCG shall be spiritually strong this year.
4. Before March 2018 God would have paid off all your debts in the name of Jesus. You will now have more to give out.
5. Your hands will never lack or be empty from now on.
6. I command tonight, every demon in any of you shall leave tonight
7. Don't worry, the baby in your womb is doing fine.
8. The chain that is holding your business down is broken.
9. I will lift up your head again.
10. You shall hear no bad news for a long time to come.
11. Relax. Your victory is not negotiable.
12. Finally, it is my turn to recieve the mercies of God.
13. Forget the past. It is a new day.
14 . keep knocking. All doors will be opened this year.
15. Before June one of you will come to me to sponsor the HolyGhost Congress.
16. By the time somebody is coming for the March Specialb HolyGhost Service you will bring people in a brand new bus.
17. The Lord said "It is done!"
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