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Started by martina, 2018-01-18 16:12

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For one to perform the art of healing successfully on a sick person, he must first of all take into consideration the Laws of the Almighty Father in Creation. The sick person may need to know that he had once transgressed against or neglected these Laws of the Almighty Father, in his life on earth; that led to his illness, and he may therefore need to be morally guided on how to overcome this guilt that caused his illness; which will eventually lead to a symbolic redemption of his guilt and then his recovery; according to the Laws of the Almighty Father in Creation.
The sick person can symbolically redeem this guilt that led to an illness through participation in joyful activities; where he renders selfless services out of joy and Love; in the pure service of the Most High. The sick person may need to know that nothing in Creation is by accident and that the Laws of the Almighty Father are not arbitrary but are just and perfect in their weaving of our fate or karma; according to what we have once sown into Creation.
He should be guided to happily welcome and accept his present condition as an opportunity to be freed from his guilt or karma, and he should also give thanks to the Almighty for giving him the opportunity to gain freedom from his karma at last; for him to begin his ascent.
His new approach to life should therefore now be that the Almighty Father may grant him recovery that he may use his good health and entire life to serve Him joyfully on earth.
There is indeed no karma that is bigger than us once we have the pure volition for the good, and strive to do good at all times; we will surely overcome and redeem our karma within a short space to time.
At this point of illness, some people are sometimes neutral and open to receive these moral guides and help that will lead to their quick recovery; in observation of the Laws of the Almighty Father.
Indeed not everybody may receive this help if they have not fully gotten a new approach and outlook to life on earth; which is purely for the purpose of gaining maturity through experiencing to be able to truly and consciously serve the Almighty Father; who has in the first place granted the gift of Life. The sick person may indeed need to be guided through all these; towards the atonement of his guilt; symbolically, for there must be a closing of the cycle of former wrong deeds before a new beginning and recovery will ensue.
What leads to an illness is that the spirit of man or his true core has been hampered through the pursuit of wrong courses, which led to the ailing of its outer coverings and finally its physical body, which now suffers illness. So for a prayer of intercession to be effective on the sick person, or for him to experience a magnetic healing, he must have started following the right paths as a human spirit in Creation should follow; for that is a condition for the extension of life here on earth, for further experiencing and maturing. But if the human spirit has not come to these recognitions and blames his fate on others, or feels that he does not deserve what has come to him; in which case his maturity will retrogress upon gaining recovery; the prayer of intercession will not be answered; through the wisdom of the Almighty Father, for the person to come to the right recognitions through more severe experiences in the beyond which may eventually awaken him to continue his ascent.
Some sick persons who may be too sick and dormant to be enlightened on these are always also neutral and open to receive help through a prayer of intercession; as long as it is certain that he won't fall back spiritually; and that he needs an extension of life here on earth for his experiencing and maturing.
The sick person who deserves an extension of life here on earth; according to the Laws of the Almighty Father in Creation, can also gain his recovery through other means beside prayers; which also strengthen the deficiencies of his physical body.
These means include; that the sick person should indeed be advised to change his diet and eat right always.
He should be advised to take lots of fruits and vegetables; which give the body the nutrients it needs at each point in time and season in which these fruits and vegetables are available; indeed at every season of the year.
The Almighty Father in His wisdom and Love has placed these fruits and vegetables to give our bodies the protection they need at every season of the year when we take these fruits and vegetable in their varieties. So the fruits and vegetables in each season they come, therefore really provide what the bodies need for their nourishment; for our bodies really developed from the nutrients of the earth; through what we take in as foods from the earth and therefore need these foods/nutrients(fruits and vegetables etc.), for their sustenance, further development and recovery. The fruits and vegetables in each season in which they come, therefore provide these nourishment and protection our physical bodies need against illnesses. For this reason, they should be taken enough and always in their varieties.
Another thing that should be recommended for a sick person is: regular and enough intake of clean and drinkable water; which purifies the body system and also the blood streams.
The sick person should slap be advised to stop the intake of red meats. He should eat instead white meats; such as chicken, turkey, lamb, fish, pock etc. Intake of meats like: the head of cattle, the marrow, the intestine, the skin, are not red and can also be eaten. Intakes of white meats help in the change of the blood composition and provide a suitable blood composition for the spirit to function effectively in the physical body.
All these apart from prayers earlier mentioned, also help in the strengthening of the ailing body after the original cause of an illness; which is the hampering of the spirit through the pursuit of wrong courses, has been recognized and addressed, as also earlier mentioned in this essay.
Prince Ifediba Chidalu Nsoffor.
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