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The devil is powerless without your fear.

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-08-13 08:52

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The least kind of fear can weaken the strongest type of faith. Fear gives the devil free access into your life. It is not that the devil is too strong, but the problem is that the fear in your heart opened the door legally for the devil to attack. But from today every trace of fear shall be dissolved in the precious name of Jesus Christ.

Job was righteous, even God testified of his righteousness and called him a perfect man even when Jesus had not yet shed His blood. But the devil still had access to torment Job because he was living in fear. JOB 3:25-26. This tells us that fear is the worse kind of sin. No wonder the bible says that whatever is not done in faith is sin. Once you are afraid and you do nothing about it, then it will open you up for attack.

If you notice any area in your life that looks like the devil is having a filled day, check it, fear may be the reason, fear of the unknown, fear of failures, fear of that relationship breaking up, fear of not getting that job or contract. Even if you say you are not afraid, are you anxious? are you worried? are you living in doubts? all these are advance formS of fear. God has not given us the spirit of fear, the spirit of fear is from the devil, so cast it out in the name of Jesus. Any time you sense fear in your heart, boldly speak words of faith immediately. When the fear is so strong, pray till you can sense boldness.

If the cure for fear is faith then you have to know what it takes to generate faith. The word of God is what generates faith. Romans 10:17. You have been programed by God to live by faith so that fear will not come into your heart giving the devil access. Galatians 3:11. I command every fear in your heart to disappear in Jesus precious name. God is with you and in you, He has even gone before you to make every crooked place straight, this should give you confidence. I see favour rushing to you by this understanding.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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