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The God of overnight interventions.

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-05-12 19:33

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The God of overnight interventions

We serve a God of over night interventions. He brought out Israel out of Egypt one night after 430 years of bondage. Exodus 12 vs. 12 and 11 vs. 3.

Paul and silas were in prison and at midnight the lord sent His angels to open the prison doors. Acts 16 vs. 25

Jacob wrestled with God in the night and His name was changed because He was persistent.Gen 32 vs.24.

God works in the night that is the reason why He does not sleep or slumber. Psalms 121 vs. 4

This night is your night of nights. God is handling your case tonight.

No matter how long your case has been it cannot be as long as 430 years. If God could change the story of the Israelites after that long by sending a deliverer in the person of Moses.

With all sense of humility I am one of God's end time messenger. Sent to you for the hour.

This night shall be to you a night of restoration. Whatever has long been missing you shall hear the news that it has been found.

Tonight is not just like every other night; God is set to do wonders in your life and family.

What must I then do to prepare for His intervention tonight.

You must expect God to do something for you tonight. Your expectation is very crucial to Gods manifestation. So I want you to take out a piece of paper and write down your expectations for tonight and expect it to be settled before the morning.

By this time tomorrow, tomorrow about this time, your story would have changed a thousand times more.

The problem not withstanding, I don't want to know how big the problem is, JEHOVAH GOD is bigger.

Please key into tonight let your expectations be very high. there shall be commotions of miracles and all your prayer requests shall become an issue of thanksgiving. be blessed.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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