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Started by pastor_uche, 2013-02-27 12:49

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The rain falls on both the good and the wicked. Likewise the money rain, it falls on both the good and the wicked. The money rain has no friend or enemy. It is always falling. The problem is that many are carrying about umbrellas and directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly shielding themselves from the money rain. The bible says in Ecclesiastes 5:9 that the profit of the earth is for all. The rain of money is for all. How exposed you are to it determines how wet you will become by it. Haven established the fact that money is a rain destined to fall on all, it is now time to expose the UMBRELLAS people are using to shield themselves from this money rain.

1. THE UMBRELLA OF MISCONCEPTION: Many misconception exists in the minds of people about money,Some see money as evil. Money is not evil, it is the love for it that is evil. You are not to love money, to the extend of getting ready to do anything just to get it. Money is a spirit, if you love it, it can control you. So use money as a tool, don't worship it or see it as bigger than you. See money as a slave and a messenger. Another misconception about money is that people see it as what gives value to them. It is you that gives value to money. Money is valueless on its own until you use it wisely. Another misconception about money is that money increases by hoarding it. Money increases by using and investing it wisely. Proverbs 11:24. Finally, it is important to know that money does not always come by hard work. It comes by wise,right,creative work.

2. THE UMBRELLA OF THE LACK OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE CHANNELS THROUGH WHICH MONEY FALLS: It is important to understand that, although money is a rain that falls on all, it also has its various channels through which it falls. Money falls PRINCIPALLY through the channel of work. And this work includes; business, vision, job,talent,skills. Anything you do that adds value to people, systems or humanity either in the form of rendering services or selling goods is work. You need to know that the earth has been programmed by God to automatically favour those that add value to people and humanity in whatever form as far as it is positive.

3.THE UMBRELLA OF NOT ACKNOWLEDGING THE REAL OWNER OF MONEY: Many people have failed to acknowledge the real owner of money. I doubt if they really know who owns money. God is the owner of money. Haggi 2:8. He is the owner of the silver and the gold. You must acknowledge this God who has money. It is the blessings of the LORD that makes rich without sorrows.Proverbs 10:22. Wealth gotten outside God will diminish, it comes with sorrows that makes money a curse. But when you acknowledge God, it makes your wealth everlasting without sorrow. To acknowledge God you must pay your tithe(ten percent of your increase).Malachi 3:10. To acknowledge God you must invest in the business of the gospel on earth, to acknowledge God you must give to the needy.

My prayer is that nothing will shield you from the down pour of the money rain. Be blessed in Jesus name. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 2739F228. FOR MORE INformATION ABOUT THIS MINISTRY AND HOW TO BE A PARTNER WITH THIS WORK, VISIT
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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