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Started by pastor_uche, 2013-10-03 06:15

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Do you know that your name is the first prophecy over your life. Names have influence over a person's life that even God cannot break until it is changed. Jacob means TRICKSTER OR SUPPLANTER, so Jacob lived almost his entire life, looting, cheating, deceiving. Even though he was destined to be great, his name hindered him. But not until his name was changed to ISRAEL, meaning the PRINCE OF GOD, he may never have fulfilled his purpose.GENESIS 32:24-32. What is the meaning of your name? surname inclusive. If it is not good, please change it or modify it. When you are given a name that is not good, as people begin to call you that name, they are prophesying the meaning of that name over your life. For Abraham and Sarah to fulfil destiny their names needed to be changed from ABRAM AND SARAI TO ABRAHAM AND SARAH. Words are powerful, when someone calls your name, the person is not just calling a name but saying a word by invoking the meaning of your name to align with your personality. It is time to change bad names to good names. Even the bible says a good name is better than riches. Adam named everything and they took after their names. It is time to find the meaning of your name. It is easier to be delivered when you have a good name and experiencing a bad thing THAN when you have a bad name. Your name must be changed today. I see things turning around for your good in Jesus precious name. Receive grace and wisdom to do so in Jesus precious name. OMEGA GOSPEL NETWORK. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 2739F228

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