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Started by pastor_uche, 2016-08-29 12:59

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Every great destiny thrives on the platform of information. Being informed is not just knowing something but possessing a working knowledge about that thing. John chapter 6:6. God will not tell you all you need to know, He will only use what you know to generate your change. Information is any form of NEWS that influences your action.

Information infuses motivation and motivation provokes action and this motion is what is required to arrive at your destination. If you lack information your vision will lack motion.

What Fuel is to a car, is what information is to destiny. How far you will go in life is determined by the level of information you are operating with. There are many big dreams today that may never see the light of the day until adequate information is acquired.

Power is not the principal thing. Wisdom is the principal thing. Proverbs 4:7 and 8. It is information that begets wisdom. It is your depth of understanding in your particular field of calling that determines how outstanding you will become. God answers prayers by not always doing what you ask but by showing you what you need to do to get your miracle. Jeremiah 33:3.

The news you access is what influences the events of your life. Romans 12:1-2. Someone had said; SOW A THOUGHT AND YOU WILL REAP AN ACT, SOW AN ACT YOU REAP A HABIT, SOW A HABIT YOU REAP A CHARACTER, SOW A CHARACTER YOU REAP A DESTINY. THOUGHTS ARE VERY POWERFUL. Lack of adequate information is what makes people to give up too easily. You need information, not just information but current adequate information. Information is the currency of destiny that determines your purchasing power in the market of life. God will give you a dream but He will leave you to go and find the information that drives it. Please take responsibility of reading and re-reading, study, study and study, make researches.The difference between success and failure is information, the difference between poverty and prosperity is information, information is the difference between slavery and royalty, information is the difference that makes the difference. You need information to be free from frustration. Therefore don't stop learning. Until your mind is renewed, your life can not be transformed, until there is a change within, there cannot be change without. Unfortunately for many, learning stops when they graduate from school. Abraham Lincoln said; "I don't think much of a man who is more wiser yesterday than he is today. You are making it in Jesus Precious name. 

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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