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Started by pastor_uche, 2013-02-21 07:41

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Beloved the rapture is very close, what is happening right now on the earth is exactly what the bible say will happen before the rapture. Matthew chapter 24. The rapture is a catching -up moment for Christ-like believers who will still be alive when Jesus comes.1st Thessalonians 4:17. When Jesus comes, Christians who had died will first rise up to meet Jesus in the air, then everyone who is alive that is born again and living a Holy life will then be caught up to be with the LORD. As the rapture is taking place, simultaneously the Holy Ghost will be leaving the earth. The reign of the Anti christ will begin immediately..

The rapture is the wedding feast between Jesus Christ, the bride-groom AND Christians/the church His bride. Matthew chapter 25 carefully explains this. After the rapture; Christ-like believers will be celebrating and enjoying with Jesus in the air for seven years while the Anti christ will be reigning on the earth for that same seven-year period. The people that will be left behind on the earth then are sinners and people who profess to be Christians but still live like sinners. Well there is another opportunity for them, to suffer till the end of seven years. Now this is under probability because the Anti christ will torment those that refuse to take the mark of the beast, they will live in hunger, they will look for death but death will not come, they will cry and wail, they will look for the word of God but they will not find it, they will regret not living like Christ before the rapture. At the end of seven years, if they still remain strong in the faith, Jesus will then rescue them to come and meet the first set that was raptured seven years before. Then we will all come back to this same earth and enjoy without pain and sorrow for 1000 years before going finally to heaven. The reason for coming back to the earth is to get used to a bit of the life style in heaven so that when we get there we can fit in. In the same vein, those who still refused to accept Jesus Christ during the seven years of tribulation and those who died before the rapture without accepting Jesus, will suffer for a 1000 years before they will be cast into the lake that burns with unquenchable fire forever. Please believe this, the best time to embrace Jesus is now. Even the devil knows that he has but a very short time.

There is no other time to live like Christ other than now, Many people are saying in their hearts that Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming, why has He not come? Beloved, the moment you die now, your Jesus has come, because there will be no more hope for you to be raptured on the first or second set. The rapture is close prepare your heart and your life, prepare your family, preach the word of God, live and practice the word. May the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with you now and forever more in Jesus name. Luke 18:8, Ephesians 5:27. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY.+2348052773865. BB PIN 2739F228.
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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