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Started by pastor_uche, 2012-11-28 12:35

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Dreams are messages either representing the past, the future or the present. When you are at sleep, your spirit and soul are not at sleep, you are only not completely conscious of their activities. For instance if you keep dreaming of a particular building or event over and over again, you need to check out diligently the implication of what you are dreaming about, for instance that building or event may have affected your life. I have met someone that said anytime he sees himself having sex in the dream, then he will always masturbate during the day.

The state of your dream is the true state of your spiritual life. If you see yourself always struggling or running without making progress in the dream then you need to breakthrough spiritually to gain physical motion in life. Your dreams are messages, but the problem is not everybody can interpret or understand their dreams. Interpreting dreams needs a high level of spiritual maturity. That is why you need to grow up in the study of the word and in prayers. The more spiritual you become the more understanding you will have about dreams. Genesis chapter 40. Beloved the good news is this; NO MATTER WHAT THAT DREAM IS, YOU HAVE POWER IN THE WORD OF GOD, TO EITHER CANCEL THE BAD ONES OR PROVOKE THE GOOD ONES TO COME TO PASS. Take your dreams seriously, As you mature spiritually you will discover that you will be victorious even in your dreams. Be blessed in Jesus name. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 2739F228
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


If we can interpret every dream we come across in the dream our life will be far better as that is like informing what is happening or about to happen before they take place.
Dream is indeed an important tool only for those who can interpret them as they come.

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