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Wisdom is the principal thing in this hour

Started by Gloria Girl, 2020-04-14 18:46

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Gloria Girl

Wisdom is the principal thing in this hour.

Not all things are meant to vanish away through prayer and prophetic utterances, somethings have in them the potential to bring about in you the necessary adjustments resulting in great growth. We must avoid preaching deliverance at the expense of the better resurrection.

Hebrews 11:35 "Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:"

It is very tempting to create a mindset in believers that you won't be "touched" by the fallouts of the COVID 19. To create an expectation that by the power of God your businesses and career will continue as though nothing happened.

This may create resounding "Amen" in us but when the rubber hits the road people may be shell shocked the way the events start unfolding and they are neither spiritually, psychologically nor mentally prepared for the changes.

There is a level of maturity in Christ were a person boldly declares "all things work together for my good" this not with the expectation that they will therefore go through nothing but with a mindset that says "yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for he has prepared a table..."

You can create the expectation in people that through Christ you will never be thrown into the flames and with that when they get thrown in, they are so disappointed that they start murmuring which then leads to the fire affecting them.

The alternative is, if you get thrown in which may happen, rejoice for God is with you in it and with that you will come out showing the power of God for others will see you survive what would have killed them. 

When God revealed the seven years of famine to Joseph, he never asked God to stop the years of famine, what he asked God for was to grant him the wisdom to live successfully in the days of famine which God did which then led to great wealth in the times of famine.

Paul prayed thrice that this messenger of satan may depart to which God said my grace is sufficient for you. God didn't remove the messenger of satan but he brought so much internal growth in Paul that the presence of that spirit was no longer relevant Paul was operating at a level far above it.

God doesn't want us to return to status quo but to grow into another space.

As we face economic uncertainty with global proportions, the most important thing is not to wish it away but to pray for wisdom to know how to live during these times. There will be changes but if you are endued with knowledge from on high, you will experience the power of resurrection that will put your career and business in a place you hitherto never dreamed of.

Your head needs to be anointed with fresh oil so your cup can run over. The oil on your head will bring unusual ideas.

This will take innovation and the wisdom of The Spirit of God operating in your heart. It is available. James said if any man lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives it liberally.

God doesn''t shield his children from the temptations of their time creating a bubble and alternate universe. What he does is to teach them to be wiser than the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air.

It is time for rare light to operate within us. This is what it will take.

God bless you all.
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