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To deal permanently with lies you must first know what makes people to lie.

Started by pastor_uche, 2013-01-21 16:25

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To deal permanently with lies you must first know what makes people to lie.

1.Fear: if you are quickly afraid, then you will quickly lie. So the problem is not the lies but fear. God has not given you the spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound mind. 2nd timothy chapter 1 vs. 7. For your mind to be sound you must overcome lies, you must also overcome fear. Fear not is a command. Who is man that you are afraid of that has made you to lie offending God. Anything that will make you lie has become an idol. It is contending for the place of God in your life, so you better beware.

2.Intimidation: Some people resort to lying about themselves because they feel intimidated. Nobody is better or bigger than you. The only difference is time. Anyone that looks down on you is not a friend so avoid such one. Celebrate God at every stage of your life, your time is about to be the next in Jesus Name.

3.The lying spirit: when the spirit of lies is working in the life of someone that person lies at random, that is he or she lies even without being afraid. Nobody is going to ask you anything but you just lie. Most times the person lie without knowing that he is lying, he/she fabricates stories to back up lies. If this is your case lay your hand on your head and say these words; Lord Jesus remove far from me the lying spirit, empower me to say the truth at all times no matter the condition in the name of Jesus. You are free indeed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

4.Lifestyle: people lie most of the time when they do the wrong things. So live right so you will not have the reason to tell lies

I know that by the grace of God the last lie you told is the last forever, from today you will begin to tell the truth with boldness, I see God helping you in Jesus Precious Name.  OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY. +2348052773865. BB PIN 2739F228
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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