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Started by pastor_uche, 2016-02-26 08:19

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The interpretation of the Creation story.

This interpretation is very vital for the understanding of who you really are.

You are not a product of the evolution theory propounded by Charles Darwin
God made man from clay (Adam)
Man was therefore empty until He breathed His spirit into Man
Thereafter man became a living being exactly like God
Adam named everything without consulting God
Because He thought like God, acted like God.
He was in charge and had dominion. Genesis 2 vs.6-7

God saw the loneliness of man and extracted woman from the rib of Adam
Eve was created to be a help meet for Adam and a companion. Gen 2 vs.22-25

God was always visiting them every evening at the cool of the day.
Satan who was Lucifer became jealous, because God was so much in love with man that no day passes by without God visiting Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. Some angels began to say who man that God is mindful of Him is. Psalms 8 vs. 4

Lucifer got envious and led a coup with a lot of angels in heaven to sit on Gods seat.
But there was war in heaven, no place was found for the devil so He was cast down with his rebellious angels.
Satan then vowed to put enmity between man and God and to take a lot of people with him to hell which is his final destination. Isaiah 14 vs.12 -15, revelations 12 vs.7-9.

He caused Eve to disobey God involving Adam and man sold His dominion to the devil.
God came the next evening but found that man who always rushes to meet him was hiding cause of sin

He proclaimed judgment and returned man back to the dust and told serpent to feed on dust all the days of his life, while the woman was to pass through pain during child labor.
But God said unto the serpent who was Satan, that THE SEED OF A WOMAN WILL BRUISE HIS HEAD, This was the first prophecy of Jesus. Gen 3 vs. 1-24

Even though man fell God had a plan to redeem man through the death of Jesus.
It was only the blood of Jesus that could save man. And it was shed completely.

So everything that Satan afflicted man with after the fall; death, sicknesses and diseases, barreness, depression, sin, poverty and whatsoever cannot be described as very good was destroyed on the cross. But to work in the totality of this victory you must believe in Christ and accept Him as your lord and savior. And by doing the word you will experience the God-kind of life which is your redemption. I needed to break the creation story down because without understanding even when you are saved life could be frustrating. So as you begin to walk in this consciousness knowing the real you. Dominion over the problems of life is your portion. You shall live the remaining days of your life as if there is no trouble. The joy of the lord is your strength. You are blessed in Jesus Name. Amen.
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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