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Started by artur11, 2011-11-20 10:33

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If you can conceive a thing long enough, then you can be strong enough to achieve or fulfill it. In this teaching for the hour I am going to place before you three pictures of the future you must begin to imagine from now on.
God only needed to show Jacob a picture on how to outsmart his wicked boss, Laban; who had refused to pay him his desired wages. Genesis 30:37-43. Whatsoever is owed you is paid to you in full before this week comes to an end in the name of Jesus. Focus determines motion, the more you focus on your goals the faster it becomes fulfilled. No more distraction for you in the name of Jesus. The bible is not a history book or a story book but a book of outstanding pictures of the plan of God for your life. Whatever you find in scriptures are pictures that can only be fulfilled if you pay them enough attention.
Proverbs 4 vs. 20
My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13 vs.8.  If it happened before it can happen again.
Focus is a very important ingredient in this journey of life. The major problem people face is not just the devil, but focusing on the wrong pictures that the devil brings their way. The bible urges us to keep looking unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12 vs.2. This also reiterates the importance of focus. There are reports everywhere, the doctors have their reports, the judge, the people around you, even the circumstances starring you in the face, but it is only the report of the Lord that will stand. It is also important to know that the devil can do you nothing if you don't give him the permission. He seeks this permission by showing you negative pictures in order to register them in your mind so as to put fear in you. But from today every fear dies permanently in the name of Jesus. When next you see a negative imagination that you don't like, cast it down. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds Wink Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10 vs. 4 - 5
These are the pictures you are to focus on as we proceed further in this teaching, and I like you to be hyper sensitive because, you are about to catch the right picture, that will turn around your present guaranteeing your future.
PICTURE NUMBER ONE; Salvation sets you free but revelation keeps you free. Many people are saved but they are not truly enjoying and experiencing the benefits of salvation which includes, Divine health (sickness free life), unending prosperity (lack and want free life), wisdom (solutions to tackle the problems that come your way on a daily basis), glory and honor (to cover every form of shame and to give you beauty), power (to rule in the midst of your enemies and to subdue every form of oppression by the wicked), and blessings (to crown your life with goodness, freedom from curses, living in affluence with favor from heaven). Salvation takes you there but revelation shows you how to take delivery of these blessings. Salvation is the door while revelation is the how to get these benefits practically working in your life. It's not just enough to be saved; you need revelation on how to benefit from the redemption of Christ. Salvation only qualifies you to be blessed but it is revelation that shows you how to get the blessing. Christianity without revelation from Gods word would soon lead to insanity. So go for knowledge, get hold of the bible, everything you need and will ever need is in there. God said in Hosea chapter 4 vs. 6; my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Although you are saved and redeemed but will still suffer without revelation, you are born again not to suffer again. SALVATION IS LIKE THE EYES WHILE REVELATION IS THE LIGHT, BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE EYES YOU CANT STILL SEE IF THERE IS NO LIGHT. Revelation is light. And it is this light that consumes darkness. No more darkness in your life from now in the name of Jesus, arise and shine because your light has come, LIGHT ONLY COMES VIA THE WORD OF GOD BECAUSE THE ENTRANCE OF THE WORD GIVES LIGHT. Psalms 119 vs. 130.Keep this picture and go for revelation reading Gods word and relevant materials daily, go to church and apply the revelation that you know. As free as salvation is without you repenting you cannot be saved. So also, as wonderful as Christianity is, without revelation, you are heading for destruction. As the Lord lives, from this moment, you would not need to sweat any more but your victory will be guaranteed.
PICTURE NUMBER TWO, you cannot be oppressed until you are first depressed. Depression is the reason for oppression and frustration. You need Joy to live an ever winning life. This enhances your access to the treasures of salvation. Isaiah 12 vs. 3 says, therefore with Joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation. The presence of the Lord is impossible without Joy, once you are Joyful; you carry God about and tell me what can be against you when God is with you. Romans 8 vs. 31. Keep rejoicing and you will keep winning. Rejoice ever more 1st Thessalonians 5 vs. 17. You need the joy of the Lord not the joy of the happenings, the world is filled with all manner of challenges but you have to be of good cheer to overcome. YOU DO NOT OVERCOME TO SMILE YOU SMILE TO OVERCOME. I CURSE EVERY SPIRIT OF DEPRESSION AROUND YOUR LIFE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Depression has never generated solution anywhere; the moment you give in to depression you become a victim of oppression. Don't frown at God because He won't answer you, you need Joy to attract God. In His presence is fullness of Joy, from today you will be appearing in His presence with a smile on your face. If God can't do it nobody else can. But God can do all things and will not move for you until you are Joyful. Receive the oil of Joy from this hour, in your business, in your family and in the pursuit of your destiny, in the name of Jesus be full of Joy. Beware of Joy breakers, anything or anyone that steals your joy, you need to separate from.
PICTURE NUMBER THREE, the past is a thief of the future, so you must ignore the past. If when I check your album and all I can see are pictures of the past then you don't have a future. Where are your pictures of the future? Because if you set it before you then you will eventually enter it. What are you constantly seeing? What is in your album, you need to create a picture of the future. Houses that you will build, places that you will go, impact that you will make before your time on earth is over. Its time for you to download from the heart of God through the bible. You need to decorate your room with pictures of the future, you might not be there yet but you can get the pictures of your imagination and place them on your wall. I curse every effect of the past on your life in the name of Jesus. From today as you apply the words of this teaching, God will not only confirm His words over your life but He would begin to perform them in the name of Jesus. Be blessed. The Lord is perfecting all that concerns you right now in the name of Jesus.
In case you are reading this mail and you have not accepted Jesus
Christ as your personal lord and savior, please say this prayer with
me. To Him that is joined to the living there is hope. Say this prayer
to be joined to the living God.



No 2 was exact what was preached in my church today. Thank for the word of God.

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