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Started by pastor_uche, 2011-05-25 15:36

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God tolerates a lot of things but one thing that God cannot tolerate is Idol worship.When you are serving another god other than the one who made you.The backwardness of Africa today is mainly because of ancestral worships and the worship of other gods.God tolerates but He will never stand to see you serve another god other than Him.Now let me make an illustration.Imagine you have a child and you train that child to a level in life and after all you have done, that child start calling another woman mother and despises you.What are you going to do or how are you going to feel?So it is when people serve other gods and worship through other religions other than Jesus Christ.You may not worship any idol but if you worship people then it is still idol worship.When you worship money you are simply despising Jesus according to matthew 6:24.Whether it is human worship,idol worship or money worship.It is something that God hates.Exodus 20:3,Deuteronomy 8:19.Please note that even in a love relationship,Let God be the center.Most people despises God because of a woman or a man.Some will obey the man they are in love with but cannot obey God.Which is possible because they don't really love God.Most relationships and marriages break up for no major physical reason but because the woman or man becomes a semi-god.Please put God first and everyother thing will be WELL.MATTHEW 6:33.God bless you.OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY.+2348052773865.
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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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