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Today is the day that the LORD God has made. You are a candidate for Joy

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-04-19 09:37

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Today is the day that the LORD God has made. You are a candidate for Joy

Beloved I am glad to announce to you that this is the day that God has made. Not just for anything but for you to REJOICE. Psalm 118:24. What is so unique about today?

1.   It is a day of mercy: I don't know the number of wrong things that you have done in the past, if you are ready to repent; God is ready to show you mercy. Lamentations 3:22-23. The mercies of God are new every morning. It can wash away any sin, when genuine repentance is in place. God will show you mercy today. All you need to do is to ask Him for mercy and truly repent and you will experience mercy like never before. You may not deserve any good today but by the mercies of God, goodness and mercies will follow you. Psalm 23:6.

2.   Today is a day of favour: After mercy comes, favour follows. In psalm 102 vs. 13 the word of God says that Today God shall arise and have mercy upon you because the time to favour you, the set time is NOW. Favour is better than labour. Favour makes you get in one month what might have taken three years to get by labour. You might not be the best qualified for that job but favour will give you that job any how. Favour is all you need to live an ever-winning life. People struggle without results primarily because they lack favour. If the oil of God's favour is resting on your head, your friends and enemies will join hands together to help you.

3.   Today is a day of Joy: For you to rejoice you need to be joyful. To be joyful means to be full of joy. Today God will bring your heart desires to pass, and this will multiply your joy in the name of Jesus. Today your joy will be like a river, good news will be reaching you from afar, good news shall be reaching from near. Today, God will convert your break downs to breakthroughs. God will turn your disappointment to another appointment of favour. No matter how sad you may be right now because things may not be happening the way you want them to be, Because this is the day of the LORD, divine intervention will turn around every stagnation with speed in the name of Jesus.

4.   Today is a day of vengeance: Even as God is a God of mercy, He is also a God of vengeance. Psalm 94:1. The vengeance of God is to comfort all that mourn. The vengeance of God is for your enemies not for you. In the book of EXODUS, God asked Moses to tell pharaoh to free the Israelites but pharaoh refused even after seeing diverse signs and wonders. But when God decided to have vengeance by smiting the entire first born of the Egyptians to free the Israelites. Pharaoh had no choice than to obey. Exodus 12:12. Today whatsoever won't let you have peace will go for you in the name of Jesus. Whatsoever or whosoever is making you cry will cry for you in the name of Jesus Christ.

5.   Today is a day of restoration:  When God shows mercy, He also restores what might have been lost due to disobedience and ignorance. Joel 2:25. God will restore all that you have lost today in the name of Jesus.

Even though God is set to do these things for you today you must also know that your faith is what God requires to bring these things to pass. You need to walk by faith and not by sight.2 Corinthians 5:7. Faith is the currency that God accepts to release these things. Faith is obeying God to prove that you believe Him. You must believe that God can and will do these for you. You must refuse to be cast down by the happenings and concentrate on what is written in the bible. You must refuse to doubt in your heart but believe that God is able. You must refuse to cry as tears do not move God. It is faith that moves God; it is faith that pleases God. Hebrews 11:6. My prayer for you today is that, whatever you have believed God for in the past that has not manifested will manifest today in the name of JESUS CHRIST. PLEASE WHEN EVER IT SEEMS THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GO BAD.LIFT UP YOUR HEAD AND PRAISE THE LORD BECAUSE GOD WILL TURN IT AROUND FOR YOUR GOOD.

This ministry is involved in spreading the gospel of Jesus through the internet and mobile phones to millions of people across the globe. By the grace of God we are commissioned to ensure that 24 hours everyday the gospel is circulating the internet and mobile phones. To be a partner and beneficiary of this good work monthly you can be involved in 2 ways. The first is that you can refer people to our website so that they can be blessed and transformed with our gospel messages by so doing you are also spreading the gospel. The second way to be a partner and beneficiary is through your financial seed monthly. So to give according to what God lays in your heart send us a mail to . One thing I know is that this year the blessings of God will visit you daily. Psalms 68 vs. 19.
See you next time, until then always know that JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO I.

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In case you are reading this mail and you have not accepted Jesus
Christ as your personal lord and savior, please say this prayer with
me. To Him that is joined to the living there is hope. Say this prayer
to be joined to the living God; ''Lord Jesus I know that you died for me and on the third day you rose
again, I accept you and I confess that you are lord please come into
my life, and cleanse me from every sin. Thank you Jesus for saving me''.
Brothers and sisters you are free rejoice and start going to a bible
believing church.

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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


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