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Started by Gloria Girl, 2018-04-01 17:47

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Gloria Girl

When you die, don't worry.
Don't be concerned over your decaying body because people will take care of what is required.

*They will..
*1 - Buy you new white clothes
*2 - Wash you
*3 - Take you out of your home
*4 - to your new place of stay (the grave)
*5 - Many will come to bid farewell at your funeral - in fact, many will cancel work for the sake of your burial, even though most of them didn't know you whilst you were alive.
*6 - Your belongings will be gotten rid of:
* your cars
* your check books
* your bags
* your shoes
* your clothes
* Your job, someone else will take your position*
* Your wealth will go to inheritors
* Whereas you will remain to be questioned about every minor and major deed
* There will be 3 types of mourners over you
* 1- The people who knew you only at face value will say 'poor man'
* 2- Your friends will grieve for hours or days but then return to laughter
* 3- The deep grief at your household will last for a week, two weeks, a month, 2-months or even a year

* And thereafter they will add you to their memories
* And so your story amidst the people ended
* And your story with the reality begins, where will you spend Eternity?
* And that is the life after death
* Indeed, the following things will leave you:-
* 1- Beauty
* 2- Wealth
* 3- Health
* 4- Children
* 5- The mansions
* 6- Your spouse
* And your real life has just started, Eternity.

The question here is....
What have you prepared for your Eternity or hereafter?
This reality needs to be thought over: Therefore
Take care of these two things ..
1- Salvation
2- Sanctification
Don't forget your Prayers
And don't forget to pass this message on to many... Because once your  eyes closes in death, the only property left for you is "your relationship  WITH GOD". 
Where will you spend Eternity, Heaven or Hell. Let's all live a holy life my Brothers & sisters.

Please forward for evangelism..
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