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Started by martina, 2018-06-26 16:12

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When we can no longer differentiate a Church from a social gathering and all what we do in Church is to just have fun!

When we can not differentiate a chorister from a harlot and an usher is not different from a waiter!

When the Church is no more conducive where shall we go!

When worship session in a Church is just like a disco night party and we can not differentiate a Pastor from a comedian!

When salvation message is no longer the order of the day but prosperity and entertainment message is now the core course!

When the Church is no more conducive where shall we go!

When prayer warriors now have to go to tongue-speaking school for utterances, and deliverance and healing session is now like MTH 201 to be taught and learned!

When a Pastor has to pause for members to clap and shout during sermon in enthusiasm and all what we now gain from preaching is new vocabulary and word usage!

When the Church is no more conducive where shall we go!

When the Church of the Sovereign GOD is now an exhibition ground for the latest designer jackets and hats. And those new converts can no longer come to Church for the fear of being inferior!

When the tithe and offering in Church become the yard-stick for growth and the little donations from the faithful members have to suffer for the Senior Pastor's birthday!

When the church is no more conducive where shall we go!

When fund raising is now disguised and referred to as revival!

When the number of souls being lost from the Church is higher than gained souls!

Where shall we go is the question right now; but never a rhetoric one!

Where we can go is simply the Feet of the Old Rugged CROSS ? to plead for genuine spiritual revival of the Church of our Father!

Someone sent this to me and I found it thought provoking and beneficial enough to share as received/copied, please!

Please, don't only share think over it. Let it sink into your heart, then you really understand, believe and convinced, then share.
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