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Who is a strong man or woman? (Emotional Gym- Episode 01)

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-06-07 15:44

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Who is a strong man or woman? (Emotional Gym- Episode 01)

A strong man or woman is not who is physically strong but who is emotionally strong. A lot of people can withstand physical pain, but cannot stand emotional stress.

A strong person is not someone who does not have an emotion but someone who knows how to control his or her emotion.

A strong person is someone who understands his emotion and uses it positively and not negatively.

If you can control your emotion then you can control every other thing.

Anything that affects your emotion affects your life; if it can affect your emotion then it will soon affect your physical body.

Physical sickness can be diagnosed but emotional sickness is hardly diagnosed.

Your emotion is an integral part of your soul. You are a tripartite being made up of a spirit, a soul and a body. Your soul is made up of your will, your mind, your intellect and then your emotion. Your emotion has to do with your feelings which is a necessary ingredient of love. Proverbs 4:23 says, Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it is the issues of life. So in relating this to this present topic, it can be paraphrased to be; keep your emotions with all diligence for out of it is the issues of life. Anything you put your emotion in will either work positively or negatively. The bottom line is that it will work.

So your emotion is good, it has great values but could also be bad, it can even kill. People who commit suicide do so because their emotion was so weak and could not deal with the challenge. So to be a real man or woman is to learn how to control your emotion.
You cannot put your emotion under; you can only control it positively. So this series will help you understand and manage your emotion. A lot of people invest their emotion only in a love relationship, but you are suppose to put your emotion in all that you do. It is the source of passion and drive.
The first thing you must know as you gym up your emotion is to know that until your forgive that hurt, you will still be hurt. That heart break is not the end of the world it is only a stepping stone to greater heights. Forgiveness is one force that strengthen your emotion. Receive grace to forgive every heart break in Jesus Precious name. Watch out for the next episode coming out soonest. Remain blessed.

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