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Who told you that God is recording your offenses or sins against you?

Started by Gloria Girl, 2020-04-14 18:53

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Gloria Girl

* Who told you that God is recording your offenses or sins against you? Once you confesses your wrongs or sins and repent of it; to God it never happened. Stop panicking and having guilt of the sin you have confessed, because God is not aware of it!

* Only Satan and his agent record your sins to accuse your life before God; while God record your good-did to defend you before Satan. Joshua had sinful garment on him, but God didn't record it; but Satan recorded it to accuse him, and God rebuked him! God is more interested in your good side of life, and not your bad side; because He has nothing to gain in your bad side.

* Moses' brethren tried to remind Moses his offense, in order to use it against him; but God rebuked them (Marian)! Because to God, what Moses did was a forgotten thing. Please stop reminding God your bad side, because He is not interested in it; His love for you is too great to be catered by your ugly side of life! 

- God is not thinking on how to punish you for your passed mistake; He has concluded to Polish your life for good to compensate your repentance. Celebrate today; it's your day.
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