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Why did God say NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE? These are some reasons;

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-05-02 08:12

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Why did God say NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE? I believe if people know why then they will know how.

Many people believe that sex before marriage is wrong but because there is no instant repercussion they continue in this act. Hebrews 13:4 says that marriage is honorable when the bed is not defiled. God is not a joker; He says what He means and means what He says.
Here are the reasons why Pre-marital sex is wrong;

1.Whatever you do in your relationship or courtship is a seed. If sex is involved then you have sown a bad seed that will grow to produce bad results later in life. Genesis 8:22, Galatians 6:9.

2.Sex is the only thing that involves your spirit, soul and body at the same time. It is only profitable in the confine of marriage. Why? Because marriage unites a man and a woman as one flesh. There by making sex only necessary after marriage. Mark chapter 10:7-8.

3.Pre-marital sex does more hurt than good to the destinies of both parties no wonder God's only remedy was to flee, flee fornication and every lust.

4.Pre-marital sex strengthens sex but weakens love. And love is what really secures the marriage.

5.When engaging in sex before marriage you are not just having fun but you are playing with fire. No man can play with fire and not get burned.

6.Pre-marital sex is a sign of immaturity; why not wait for the right time.

7.Continuous involvement in this can reduce your mental productivity.

8.You are joining your soul, spirit and body with a strange flesh, the danger is that part of you goes with that person. This makes you incomplete.

9.Apart from H.I.V, apart from unwanted pregnancies which condom seems to temporarily prevent, there is also a spiritual disease called STAGNATION that is contacted from pre-marital sex. Dreams and visions are also aborted through pre-marital sex. If you see Samson; ask him and he will tell you. Those that truly have dreams know the dangers of pre-marital sex.

10.Pre-marital sex also deadens your conscience, it defiles your conscience. You may be feeling guilty now but if you continue you will get to a stage where you no longer feel guilty and this is the worse thing that can happen to a person.

11.Sex does not keep a relationship, rather it kills it.

12.It is God's perfect will that a man and a woman discover themselves after their wedding. By this there will be no room for "insatisfaction" in bed, which may result from comparing previous sexual encounters with other persons.

Please make up your mind to stop this evil, it is killing you. Because you are not physically dead does not mean there is no harm in it. The only prescription is FLEE. Pray for the grace to always be ready to flee when the temptations start coming. Of a truth the temptation must come but if you are ready to flee, God will give you grace. Receive grace in Jesus name. If you are involved in pre- marital sex now, or you have been involved in it before then sincerely get on your kneels now and ask God for mercy. His mercies can forgive and cleanse any form of iniquity. God has no problem forgiving, but He earnestly does not want you to go back to it again. Receive strength in Jesus name. Receive restoration of your soul in Jesus name.

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