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Started by pastor_uche, 2012-07-27 05:18

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Delays can make you lose hope.Proverbs 13 vs.12 says,HOPE DEFERRED MAKES THE HEART SICK...And when you lose hope you lose faith.Without faith you cannot please God.So delays are dangerous and must be dealt with.

One thing that causes continuous delay is your intention or your motive.Are your motives pure? are your intentions right? Do you need money to oppress people or show off or do you need money to be a blessing.Until you decide to be a blessing you may not be truly blessed.1st Samuel chapter 2 vs. 3 says God is a God of knowledge and weighs our actions
(paraphrased by me).

You may be good but your intentions may not be Godly. You may be good but pride may be your intention unknowingly and because of pride you may be experiencing delay in one or two areas of your life.

Some people's motive for getting married is to please their parents or to make some of their friends jealous.This is a wrong motive,your motive for getting married as a lady is to be a help meet to a man in all areas.With this in your heart God will be glad enough to connect you to your marital breakthrough.

What is your motive for going to church? are you going to church to serve and worship God because you love God or you are going to church because of what you can get from Him.Until your motives are right,your breakthrough may not come.Now imagine for a moment,if 200 million dollars is in your hands right now what will you do with it? or what will be the first thought that will come to your mind.Check your motives regularly,always ask God to purify your heart.I believe as you make your motives right every form of delay will just disappear before you know it in Jesus Name. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 21322745.
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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