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“Winning Mysterious Battles”

Started by emekrus, 2015-12-09 16:04

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"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our Faith"—1 John 5:4

This article is a continuation of my previous thread titled; "Mysterious Spiritual Battles". In that particular post, I gave a detail of how I encountered some mysterious spiritual attacks, and how the Lord gave me deliverance at each instances. And even opened my understanding to the open door that gave way to the spiritual attacks in my life.

But however, I did say that, even after the Lord revealed to me the root cause of the attacks, the attacks didn't end there. Although it was mitigated after I received the revelation and asked for mercy...

But while I was sitting in my office one particular day, during the period of the spiritual battles- after receiving forgiveness for the sin God revealed to me- a word just flowed to my mind; "palliative". I believe it came from the Holy Spirit...

When that word came to my mind, I didn't know its meaning, so as it kept on coming to my mind, I decided to check it up with the dictionary. It was then I discovered that it means- removing pains, but yet leaving the source of the pain.

As I got that, I quickly related it to the battle I was involved in. So I figured God was alerting me to the fact that, I needed to attack the major source of the attacks, even after dealing with the root cause. But then, I didn't know the source, so I kept asking God to show me the source, so I could totally finish it.

As I kept asking, God seemed to be silent about the issue, and the same word "palliative" kept resounding in my mind. So I just decided to take the offensive side in my prayers, against the source of the spiritual attacks by praying against them in my understanding and extensively in other tongues- until I got the total victory.

In one of such nights after effective prayers before sleeping, in my revelational dream, I saw a renowned Deliverance Minister in my country-Dr. Daniel Olukoya- giving a talk about the activities of witches and wizards amongst saints. Then in that dream, he concluded his talks by saying he was going to meet the leader of the witches in town, as he heard he was in town.

After getting that revelation, I woke up at midnight; and on my ceiling, was the noise of one black pussy cat that have been consistently disturbing my ceiling and my neighbors' for some time...

Only that I have been ignoring it, thinking it was just a normal pussy cat, and I shouldn't be superstitiously praying against an ordinary pussy cat- as I thought before that fateful night.

But that particular night, as I woke up from my revelational dream, the disturbance of that black pussy cat on my ceiling, got to me in an unusual way. So I prayed a kind of prayer I usually hate to pray...

I just pointed my hand to the ceiling of my house and declared; "Die! In Jesus Name!" I waited for a few seconds and as I listened, the noise of the pussy cat continued. So I decided to speak in tongues against it. I spoke in tongues against it for about 1 or 2 minutes. After a while, I discovered the noise had completely stopped (And I have not heard the noise of that cat till now- to the glory of God).

So after that my episode with the pussy cat, I slept off again. As I was sleeping, all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit alerted me to wake up at the very instance of a confederate attack by hundreds of evil spirits (As I discerned in my spirit, and from the noise of the attack)...

Immediately I woke up at the instance of the Spirit's prompting, I started speaking in other tongues; and as I discerned in my spirit, many of the forces were falling into the river with allots of casualties. I believe that night, the kingdom of darkness suffered allots of casualties as I spoke in tongues against them by the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.

And since that particular encounter, I discovered that all the attacks completely ceased. And that was how I finally got my sweet victory over the mysterious attacks of the dark kingdom.

And having gotten my victory, I would want to share my success strategies with anyone out there, who might be facing one spiritual attack or the other. So they can employ these scriptural, spiritual strategies anytime they are faced with any attack from the dark kingdom.

Because the truth remains that, these forces are never relenting in their fight against mankind-Christians in particular. The Bible says; "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" –John 10:10.

How To Win Mysterious Spiritual Battles

To win mysterious spiritual battles, you have to follow all or some of these steps for guaranteed victory.
1.   Be Born Again:  The first step to winning mysterious spiritual battles, is to receive Jesus as your Lord and Personal Savior. God will only fight for and defend his children. So in case you're not yet born again, or you're just playing church and religion, make up your mind now to truly accept Jesus as your Lord and Personal Savior- so he can take over your battles.
2.   Repent Of Every Known and Revealed Sin: Like I said in my recent thread, at the root of over 90% spiritual attacks, is sin. So to win over 90% of the battles, repent of every known sin. In case you can't think of any known sin in your life presently, ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal to your understanding, any sin that might be opening doors to the attacks of the enemy.

If there is one, he'll reveal it. But after asking fervently and he doesn't reveal any to you, just know the attack is not as result of sin. If the Holy Spirit does not reveal any sin to you, don't go and dig up one yourself. And don't allow the devil to deceive you into believing that there must be a secret sin in you. If there is any sin you're not aware of, the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you. So don't accept the fallacy of secret sin.

For instance, if you're involved in sexual sin (such as: Adultery, Fornication, Masturbation and Sodomy etc), repent of it quickly. According to Rev. J.P Timmons, sexual sin opens door for fatal spiritual attacks into the lives of many Ministers of the gospel.

And as a result, many a Minister, have died prematurely; some have even ran mad, and instead of them being taken to deliverance ministers to conduct deliverance on them, they have been permanently committed to the asylum...

Just because the denominations doesn't want embarrassment.

3.   The Whole Armor of God: The whole Armor of God can be seen as listed in Ephesians 6: 14-18. Which are: Truth, Righteousness, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God and prayers...

A detail of these armors can easily make up a book, so I won't be able to go into the details here. Rev. J.P Timmons book, "Mysterious Secrets of The Dark Kingdom" does a great job in teaching about these whole armor of God, and other spiritual warfare strategies. So I encourage you to get a copy of the book.
4.   Spiritual Gifts: During this my period of spiritual warfare, God helped me a great deal, as I engaged spiritual gifts on the spiritual battlefield. Especially the Word of Knowledge/Wisdom, Discernment of Spirits and speaking in Tongues (Prayer Language)...

These battles are mysterious, and as such, they require mysteries to be won. For instance, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 14:2, that "he that speaks in unknown Tongues (Praying Language) Speaketh Mysteries..." And that is why we must desire or covet to receive all the spiritual gifts in scriptures.

Especially and primarily, the gift of speaking and praying in other tongues. Praying in tongues paves way for the manifestation of the other spiritual gifts. In this period of warfare, I saw the efficacy of these gifts in action by the help of the Holy Ghost.
5.   The Blood of Jesus and Testimonies: The Bible says in Rev. 12:11 "And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony...

One of the weapons I consistently employed (and still employ) in the period of spiritual warfare, is the blood of Jesus. Every night, before I sleep and when I'm in the midst of a spiritual battle, I would plea the blood of Jesus over myself and my house. Sometimes, I would take water in a bow, and pray over it to be converted to the blood of Jesus by faith. Then I sprinkle it round my room, door and windows.

Then finally, after getting your victory at each instance, always share your testimony- just as I'm doing now, to the glory of God and to the shame of satan. And by so doing, God will set a seal on your victory forever.

These spiritual warfare strategies listed above, are by no means exhaustive. There are others I could mention. Only that I would want to end here, and allow others to add to this list for the edification of others. So if you have other spiritual, scriptural weapons the Lord have revealed to you for victory against the forces of darkness, you can share it here with us.

Remain Blessed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Emeke Odili.

Emeke Odili, Author of "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business".
Sample or purchase "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business"   Blog:


Emeke Odili, Author of "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business".
Sample or purchase "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business"   Blog:


Sounds simple but not easy, unless with special grace of almighty God.  Also isn't easy to draw line between faith and arrogant. What do you think?


Yea, you can definitely draw a line between faith and arrogance. Both of them are forces in the heart. And if you are honest with yourself, you'll definitely know when pride comes in instead of Holy Faith.
Emeke Odili, Author of "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business".
Sample or purchase "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business"   Blog:


Emeke Odili, Author of "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business".
Sample or purchase "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business"   Blog:

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