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Started by pastor_uche, 2011-08-01 12:15

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Nothing determines success like associations.No matter how good you are,you will soon become bad if you belong to a bad company.1st corinthians 15:33;says be not deceived,evil communication currupt good manners.Your friendship is your life-ship,it is your destiny-ship.How far you will go in life is not determined by God,It is determined by your association.Don't waste your life on the platform of a bad relationship.Who is your friend? or who are your friends?It is my prayer that the wisdom of God will rest upon you to enable you to choose your friends appropriately.Jesus Christ had to pray and fast to choose His disciples.You too have to be careful of who you call your friend.Friendship is by choice,It is not by force.Be wise because he that walks with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.Proverbs 13:20.You have just one life to live,do not play with it,there is no spare life.Psalms 1:1-3.May every ungodly,limiting relationship be broken by the power in the name of Jesus Christ right now.Rejoice because none of God's blessings will be hindered from reaching you any more.You are blessed.

This ministry is involved in spreading the gospel of Jesus through the internet and mobile phones to millions of people across the globe. By the grace of God we are commissioned to ensure that 24 hours everyday the gospel is circulating the internet and mobile phones. To be a partner and beneficiary of this good work monthly you can be involved in 2 ways. The first is that you can refer people to our website so that they can be blessed and transformed with our gospel messages by so doing you are also spreading the gospel. The second way to be a partner and beneficiary is through your financial seed monthly. So to give according to what God lays in your heart send us a mail to . One thing I know is that this year the blessings of God will visit you daily. Psalms 68 vs. 19.
See you next time, until then always know that JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO I.I know you have been blessed by this message to request for other life transforming messages on several issues click on this link

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In case you are reading this mail and you have not accepted Jesus
Christ as your personal lord and savior, please say this prayer with
me. To Him that is joined to the living there is hope. Say this prayer
to be joined to the living God; Lord Jesus I know that you died for me and on the third day you rose
again, I accept you and I confess that you are lord please come into
my life, and cleanse me from every sin. Thank you Jesus for saving me.
Brothers and sisters you are free rejoice and start going to a bible
believing church.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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