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Started by martina, 2021-04-02 17:12

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By fr oluoma

I saw a chat of someone who got scammed by a fraudster who used my name and picture to create a fake social media page.

As usual the scammer sends you a friend request, you accept and he  begins with: "child of God I don't know you but as I was praying for you God showed me bla bla bla". It will end with asking you to sow seed to an orphanage so that God will release your miracle.

This particular victim paid 100k and the "man of devil" chatted him again to say it's not enough and this dude was negotiating with the idiot to pay more🥺😰😠😡🤦

I just don't understand how we just use our own hands to kill ourselves, I don't know who to be angrier at, the willing victim or the thief! 

Anyways, here are few reasons why people get scammed in the name of God:

1. FOOLISHNESS: Mt 10:16 says be wise like the serpent and innocent as dove. It's foolishness to even interact with someone who says " I don't know you" and yet asks you to do something.

2. IMPULSIVENESS: When you are impulsive you act before you think. If a known minister of God suddenly appears on your page and asks you to sow seed, ask questions, get his official contact and don't take any action until you have exhausted all avenues of inquiry.

3. GULLIBILITY: Some of us confuse faith with gullibility and indiscretion. Some christians suffer brain seizure and suspension once they hear "God says" or "miracle for you". When you are too quick to believe anything promised you as miracle without taking a critical look you are in for it. Don't be afraid to question what you hear, God is not petty to punish you for your  honest reluctance to believe anything before certitude.

4. TRANSACTIONAL GOSPEL: All those scammed in the name of miracles are believers in a TRANSACTIONAL god. A TRANSACTIONAL god is one who asks you for tithe, seed, donation or offering before he will bless, protect or prosper you. This dangerous gospel is all over the place and many have swallowed it. I want to tell you that the true God doesn't ask you for anything material before He does anything good for you. Stop getting scammed by both social media and pulpit fraudsters. God didn't ask Abraham to sow seeds before Making him rich. Get some  sense please.

5. DESPERATION: Desperate people see every proposal, no matter how ridiculous, as solution.

If anyone gets a message with my name or picture asking you to do anything, call, text or WhatsApp this number: 09152196333.

Help me share this in all platformS. Bless you
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