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Are African Traditions Slowly Dying Out?

Started by travelman, 2011-09-20 09:55

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Its becoming more and more real that African traditions and cultures are slowly being replaced with western ones which are not bad but at what cost.  Are you proud of your culture and what are you doing to preserve it.  The article below best explains the reasons for this

xxx: bit. ly/r3cQHu


I think i have heard African traditions being gradually replace many times, but are we really doing about it?
Could Boko Haram in Nigeria the solution?


The article you pointed above is an Interesting here is the correct url The Traditional culture there, I think is Igbo in South East Nigeria.


My observation shows that what happens is many Africa Traditions they are being renamed to have a global out look.
Eg Egwe owa in South east Nigeria is thesame as Gala Night.

So Travelman  African's tradition isn't dying as you insinuated but being renamed and remodeled.


Africa's cultures will never die, if they didn't during colonia era-the posibilities are narrow now.


Quote from: Perfect on 2012-06-07 12:09
Africa's cultures will never die, if they didn't during colonia era-the posibilities are narrow now.

I agree with that to some level. The issue is the effect other world cultures have on African traditions and values. surely, there is some bit of mixture taking place. but whether that's good or bad is a different subject, I suppose.
one day soon, I will tell you why I get up every morning or afternoon, and why I am here.


I gree with perfect is a bit late for Africa cuture to die.
Up Africa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Through education people are being convinced to decrease the amount of children they have. Traditions such as "labola" used to encourage children as they were seen as carrying a monetory value, but these traditions are slowly being lost through a more western way of thinking. Many women/teenagers are turning to abortion.

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