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Approaches to Care in Physician Assisted Suicide

Started by Webm, 2011-11-07 10:29

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 There is increasing interest in suicide. When people begin to seek more information about suicide, you will be able to meet your needs. This article is a brief description of the amount of information on this topic. Let's start with three levels to discern in the act of euthanasia.

There are three levels to discern in the act of euthanasia:

1. One is a patient who is comatose or brain dead. In these cases the physician is asked to "pull the plug", or withdraw life support patient mechanic. These cases are usually not questioned by the general public. It is an act to remove or use the mechanisms necessary to lead a life that can not stand. It is here that the recognition of the personality is gone and the shell of a body is all that remains.

2. Another act of euthanasia involves the use of morphine to patients hospitalized in the final stages of his or her life with painful diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

3. The last category of euthanasia is that patients with relatively good health and at the beginning of a terminal illness who wish to end their lives. Cases such as Alzheimer's and cancer patients want to prevent information on the PAS. This is the most controversial of the three issues involved in euthanasia.

Euthanasia originated from the Greek meaning "good death". It is the intentional termination of life by someone else can do it by request of the person who wants to die. Here are some terms you need to know in PAS that define the actions that take place.

Passive euthanasia is the acceleration of the death by altering some form of support and letting nature take its course. This may include the removal of life support equipment, interruption of treatment or medical procedures, stopping the consumption of food and water leads to dehydration and starvation, and retention of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). The most common use of PAS is to give patients large doses of morphine to control pain. More likely is that pain relief is suppressed breathing and cause death earlier than would otherwise have happened. This is also done in patients in a vegetative state or patients persistive is unable to regain consciousness due to brain damage.

Active euthanasia is the use of intentional means to cause the death of a person through direct action. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a Michigan physician made this well in 1998 with a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease). His patient was afraid of the long-suffering involved in ALS and wanted to die a quick and painless death. Dr. Kevorkian injected controlled substances in this patient and caused death. Kevorkian was charged with first degree murder, but the jury found him guilty of first degree murder March 2, 1999.

Physician assisted suicide is the provision of information or the means to a dying patient, with the intention of committing suicide.

Involuntary euthanasia is the end of a life without a clear patient request.

"There are many reasons why patients want to use PAS. Some are just clinical depression, of which a disease has been more than an emotional processing and mental illness in their suffering has been beyond the body . Others live in chronic pain due to lack of health coverage or the means to obtain the medication. This group later and was not going to die soon and not incur medical expenses for those left behind. A disorder or serious illness, such as ASL, Huntington disease, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, Alzheimer's, etc are some of the diseases of people prefer to avoid the loss of independence and finances. Somehow, this gives people a sense of control over the process of their lives. "



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