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My Grandmother had a way of making my childhood seem so magical

Started by NinaWu, 2018-01-03 07:55

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As I was growing up there isn't much that my grandmother wouldn't do to see me smile. If she knew I wanted something, I would suddenly have it. If there was a trip to take at school, she made sure I could go and that I had enough money to spend while away. She bought my Winters Ball gown, my prom gown and most of my regular everyday wardrobe. Unbeknownst to me when I was a child, my Grandmother was even Santa Claus at Christmastime. I never knew a Christmas that "Santa" didn't get everything, and then some, on my Christmas wish list. Thanks to the love that my Grandmother had for me, I grew up feeling <a href=" ">Marlboro Cigarettes Price</a> the magic of Christmas and as a child I always assumed that all the other children in the world must have their wishes fulfilled on Christmas morning. Back then, I never knew that many children didn't experience the same wonder-filled Christmas mornings as I did. I suppose that's why I, as a mother, would walk through fire to make sure my own children feel that same magical feeling on Christmas morning. My Grandmother had a way of making my childhood seem so magical.

In my teens, I began to rebel against my parents a bit. At 16 I was smoking, yet keeping it hidden from my father. My grandmother found out that I was smoking and I was sure she would tell my parents. Instead, she told me to get in her car and she drove to Kroger's grocery store and purchased a carton of Marlboro Red cigarettes so I would have them when I was at her house on the weekends. She told me to make sure I never told my father, her son, that she bought them for me. I'm sure his head would have exploded if he <a href=" ">Newport Cigarettes Price</a> had ever found out about that. While now as a parent I would have to say she wasn't right for buying a teen cigarettes, and I would be beyond angry if anyone ever bought them for my children at that age, my grandmother somehow made it seem as if she had leaped tall buildings for me by buying them, and especially for keeping my secret. She gained a trust that no other adult had, or would ever have.

My grandmother was the only person alive that would argue with my father when he grounded me, punished me or told me no to anything. She stood up for me even when she probably knew I was wrong for doing the things I was doing. When I was 17 I made her cry. Not on purpose, but due to my childish actions, I caused her to feel broken and to place blame on herself for something I did. On a Sunday afternoon I went to the mall with a close friend. My grandmother had given me some money to spend while I was at the mall. Not much money, but enough to play some video games, buy lunch and maybe get a record at the record shop. Yes, records were still very much in use back when I was 16! When my friend and I got to the mall, we ran into a group of kids we knew from school and they wanted to go outside and smoke a joint. I may have been a little rebellious, but smoking pot or doing any other kind of drug was not my choice of rebellion. On this day in particular however, there was a guy that I really liked and he was smoking. I suppose as an awkward 16 year old trying to fit in and look "cool" amongst the rest, I decided to smoke some of the joint so no one would think I was a geek. To you in the younger generation, when I say geek, just know that I mean total loser!

So, I smoked some of the joint. Actually, I horded the thing and ended up smoking more than half of it on my own! What better way to impress a stoner than to smoke more than he does? What a total idiot I was! I had never smoked before and I had no idea of how it was going to affect me. My friend and I walked back inside the mall right after we smoked with the other kids, and within minutes I felt as I had never felt before in my life. By the time we walked inside and made it to the pizza place I felt like I couldn't breathe. The room was spinning and I just knew that everyone was staring at me. I was on fire! Well, I thought I was at any rate. My chest was burning so bad that I just knew somehow a flame from that joint had caught my shirt on fire and I was going to burn to death inside of the mall surrounded by 100 kids from school. We ordered a large coke and went to the back of the restaurant and grabbed a booth. I remember ACDC's song "Highway to Hell" was playing on the jukebox and in my own mind I was certain they were singing directly to me.
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