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Overcoming delays.

Started by pastor_uche, 2015-09-21 13:16

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God bless you in Jesus precious name. It is important to know that delays continue not because the devil is too wicked or that God is too slow or that your prayers have not been answered. But delays may continue because there are some delay agents that aborts testimonies before they manifest physically.

DELAY AGENT 1 is WASTE: Waste of time, waste of money, waste of emotion, waste of energy. God hates any form of waste. Waste is one thing that causes delays. In John chapter 6 after Jesus had fed the 5000 plus people. He gave an instruction that the remainder should be gathered. Until you deal with waste, your miracles may not fully manifest.

DELAY AGENT 2 is IMMATURITY: Galatians chapter 4 gives a graphic explanation of this, one has to be matured enough to handle bigger blessings. Maturity is when you are not moved by prosperity, it is when the opinions of men no longer move you. Maturity is when you are stable and consistent in your walk with God. You need a change of attitude, to be matured for some blessings.

DELAY AGENT 3 is ANXIETY: Be anxious for nothing. Philippians 4:6. Many have missed their blessings and time of visitation because of anxiety. They don't know that anxiety is the same thing as worry. To worry is to prove to God that you don't trust Him.

DELAY AGENT 4 is WRONG EXPECTATION. What you don't expect, you cannot experience. But you must know what to expect. You must expect God to be your source and not men. Many expect from men, no wonder they are disappointed. Expect God to be the giver. It is a known fact that God uses men, but let your focus and trust be on God and not on men.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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