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Started by Mature, 2021-10-08 20:13

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I visited Pa James in his house, being a weekend I was expecting to meet a full house but stunned to meet only Pa James on the floor in the living room, with a heavy urine odor hovering around the room.

Though his eyes lite up when he saw me I could read from those eyes he was sad.

Seeing him like that I moved fast into the room throwing open the windows, switched the lights on, switched the fan to its highest marks and still put on the airconditioner. The room was in a really bad state.

After bringing the room to near normal I sat down and asked if he had eaten to which he answered in the negative.

I went to the kitchen pulled some of the things I found there together at least for him to eat.

While he was eating I sat quietly looking round the room.

It was a magnificent duplex, with two rooms on the ground floor and four on the top floor. The house has three large parlours on the ground floor and two on the top floor meant strictly for very important visitors.

Pa James was close to eighty-seven and not so agile as he had lost weight and use of some areas of his lower limps to stroke.

His children had all grown and married taking care of their own family.

Pa James was advised to build a comfortable three building bungalow seeing that his children were grown and would move away to grow their own respective families but he wouldn't hear of it as he loved big and flashy things.

The compound was more like a museum housing ancient cars and the remnants of two triumph motorcycles and three white raleigh bicycles.

Today his families are no longer staying with him and all the noise and laughter of children no longer fill the big house.

Here was he whose word was law to all and sundry, He who must be obeyed. Lost his wife some three years back and now rolling in his own urine and odor.

He looked up at me and offered a vail smile. A smile filled with sorrows of missing his agile self.

"Tony" he said, in a weak, slow faint voice, "never built a sentimental house"

While I wondered what that could mean he continued

"A house of regret" he raised a finger slowly pointing through the house "when everybody leaves, you will be lonely" he paused "look round for over a year now I don't know what the upside of this house looks like" his voice went down an octave and like he was trying to suppress a cry "I had opportunity to build a small house, all you need is a room, nothing more when they are all grown and gone"

He shook his head and said " my boy John told me by the time they will become men and married this house will be a castle and out dated, I thought he was being childish and unknowledgeable but see that future he talked about has caught up with me" this time a tear actually dropped from his eyes.

Pa James actually shed a tear drop. Never thought I would ever had seen this day. I didn't realize I was also crying. I wasn't crying because of him, tears were dropping from my eyes because I also had being looking forward to erecting a super structure like his. A house of vanity without thinking of the future that lies ahead of everyone of us.

Sitting there my mind roves on a lot of things. What was the essence of such a big house, was I not told once that every child should be given the necessary growing up implement such as a good education, a sound moral upbringing and a Godly love thy neigbhour training?

Where seats Pa James, with two PhDs and top rank in the Commerce Industry lonely and no longer able to help himself. Pa James who at the gender age of twenty-one was already into millions of Naira. Pa James who at that age was already on top of board of Companies.

"My boy" he said after a while "good education is very very important and required to meet the challenges of the world but extend your helping hands more to the less privileged than building of sentimental things around yourself. When the chips are down you will be lonely and those things will stare you in the face"

I sat there quietly short of words and just gaping at him.

"My boy let me be your lesson to life. Don't end up like me. Avoid sentimental materials, give opportunity of service to people no matter what because the money I have in the banks can no longer buy me anything and can't give me back any life opportunity I'm now just waiting on God to call" he smiled "but when the time comes what will happen to all these I had acquired over the years. My children are contended and well placed. They don't need any of these things" he stopped and slowly moved his head round "do you think I can set up an orphanage home here and will all I have to it?" He asked as if he was clinging to some unseen desires.

I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet, probably that was what prompted his next question

"My boy will you like I will these to you?"

I thought for a while and said

"I greatly appreciate you sir but I will decline as I'm not going for such sentimental things, better for the orphanage and be named after you as your legacy."

He laughed this time but not deep as the pains could be seen in his eyes

"My boy that is a good suggestion and as my lawyer you should get to action immediately because no one knows the allotted time for only God knows the time"

"Yes sir" I said

"First get me a good nurse and a chef let life come back do that before the day runs out and tomorrow bring the documents and come with a camera"

"Yes sir"

He was a bit brightened up now as if he had dropped the heavy weight off his heart.

I got up prop him on the chair put a phone call to Doctor Segun who happened to be a good friend of mine to arrange for the nurse and Mama Flora to provide a house care and took my leave.

I took a decision that day to live a simple life of a hermit.

Today I bless the wonderful name of God for giving me the courage and strength to carry out that decision.

Please check yourself and know you that yourself, avoid sentimental materials and be your brothers keeper.
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