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Robbers have adopted a new strategy, Please read to learn

Started by martina, 2018-01-12 14:05

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In a wedding party or public gathering, robbers will
meet the MC to make an announcement of a
particular car with registration number so so and
so, blocking them.
While you go out to move your car, some guys
are waiting outside for you with a gun. They
know you have the keys of your car.
You are then ordered to ride the car out of the
compound with them inside already with you.
Please, Do the following when your vehicle
registration number is being called out at a
social function :
1) Take your time before going out.
2) Don't go out alone, at least in company of two
or more people.
(3) Don't go directly to where the car is parked,
at least to confirm from a distance if you are
blocking another car truly.
And make sure there is a driver in the blocked
car already before you go.
4) Watch your surroundings carefully before
approaching the vehicle
Please copy and share even if u don't own a car
and save a lot of people.

Posted as received from a security personnel.
Please share this link to educate friends, families and others.
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