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Started by Felix Akpotu, 2014-07-16 08:41

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Felix Akpotu

  We complain in Nigeria about industrialization yet they are so many factories around- baby factories. Yes we can't meet the technological needs of the society but at least we can meet its reproductive needs. We claim that our engineers are half baked yet we have lady "engineers" in these baby factories "repairing and reconstructing" marriages. It is surprising that there is now a sexual dimension to entrepreneurship as we now have people investing in others' wombs. When young, I was taught agric, yet I didn't know there were "human poultries" where girls are reared to "lay" children so as to make wild ends meet. Sadly, sometimes it is not only the children that are sold; even their destinies are sold off too.
  Wait, let us take an objective look at the situation. In the Nigerian society, marriages are not sustained by the oaths sworn before the holiest priests. No, children are the salt of every matrimony, spicing and preserving it in both senses. Most times, you need a bouncing baby to bounce over some marital problems. Yes, at times to avoid a MUST GO crisis in your marriage, you wouldn't need Ghana-MUST-GOs (of money) to walk your way through, a baby could be the perfect bribe. To most mothers, the love of grandchildren is the beginning of wisdom. This is why a Nigerian woman who reaches menopause without birth could end up having her heart reach emotional menopause too; seizing to pump joy and satisfaction. Even Zig Ziglar (one of the most inspirational speakers) could find it hard to resurrect a naija barren woman from depression. Even worse is that in our native societies, a barren woman is seen as one who has laid her womb on the altars of witchcraft to gain more spiritual medals.
  When this is added to the fact that there are many "King Solomon" in our societies who are very much less notorious for their wisdom and much more for their polygamous instincts. What more family planning is seen as western culture condemned as much as gay marriages. To these men the golden rule is "GO YE AND MULTIPLY". They would prefer going to hell for fornication than for disobeying that divine directive. From economics we know that when supply beats demand, depreciation follows. As such children are losing their commercial sanctity, getting sold and even recycled. What more? It is reported that a baby averagely sells for $287. That is cool money tax free! No wonder baby factory is becoming one lucrative integral of the private sector! Surely nowadays, there are a lot-of-work-from -home opportunities where ladies with bedroom for offices grow a good income from their fertility; the ladies could see them as with white collars jobs proudly under the NLC!
  Yet, we must not fail to condemn this grieving act. Children are said to be divine heritages from God. Such blessing whose tithes you pay with a good moral upbringing. These juicy fruits of the womb shouldn't be carelessly plucked from the parents for other families to lick. Children should be seen as invaluable biological assets such that breaking the bonds between mother and child by selling the child is a crime even more shameful than the Pope pushing drugs! In our traditional societies, such crimes deserve a deadly accommodation in an evil forest. No level of poverty should make us line up our wards in the counter for sale. Parents should be seen as CEOs who managerial capacities could turn rewarding as President Goodluck's mother! So how could you throw such priceless jewels for peanuts, are you a learner?

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