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The worst conspiracy theories you've heard

Started by melroycen, 2015-03-29 15:58

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Post a reason with it as well.

I'll admit I was a little bit of a conspiracy theorist in 2012/2013 but now I can't take them seriously.

The worst conspiracy theories I've heard are

1.the military has fema camps to put us all in!
Reason: why the hell would we all be placed in camps, whoever started tthis needs to get away from the TV. bombing was set up of actors and a hoax
Reason: how could the government hire all those actors and not let a single person leak it.

Reason: why would every known/rich person be involved in a fake group to destroy the world! Sounds like Hollywood to me

4. 9/11
Reason: now I personally don't think the government did it, but I have a feeling someone knew about it prior and failed to act.

5. aliens run the u.s
Reason: if aliens are real why would they want anything to do with us? They're probably way more advanced than us.
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