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Started by Mature, 2012-05-23 11:36

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Assuming Africa is your lovely wife/Husband, girl/boy friend, Parent. Drop a pleasant/lovely note for her below.
Get latest Africa's news at, also you can place sponsored guest posts & banner ads on the site.


Get latest Africa's news at, also you can place sponsored guest posts & banner ads on the site.


A special smile 4 a special Continent, Land of my fathers. A special Continent I can't replace.  Africa you have fill a space no other continent can fill & I will always love U Africa for dat.



I have liked many continents, luv very few continents, yet no continent has been as sweet as u Africa. 4 u ll stand & wait in d longest queue jut 4 d pleasure of a moment with u my continent.

Get latest Nigeria's news at, also sponsored guest posts & banner ads are accepted .


Get latest Nigeria's news at, also sponsored guest posts & banner ads are accepted .


I love you my continent, may peace and Love be unto you, till eternity.


They say we take care of those we love
They say we fight and die for those we love
They say we sing praise to those we love
They say we are not ashamed of those we love
Africa, I fail at these all the time

Now with tears in my eyes
and a million emotions mingling in my heart
I just want to say
I love you

Take my love
Feel it, and spread it to your sons and daughters
Breathe it to the wild lions, the elegant zebras and the slow tortoises
Reveal it to those dark and sacred forests
Yes Africa, all these things are you
Feel my love for you on your whole body

I love you Africa!

one day soon, I will tell you why I get up every morning or afternoon, and why I am here.


one day soon, I will tell you why I get up every morning or afternoon, and why I am here.


Quote from: Mature on 2012-05-23 11:36
Assuming Africa is your lovely wife/Husband, girl/boy friend, Parent. Drop a pleasant/lovely note for her below.

Ah Mature, where is your love confession :-)
one day soon, I will tell you why I get up every morning or afternoon, and why I am here.


Quote from: Webmaster on 2012-05-25 12:53
A special smile 4 a special Continent, Land of my fathers. A special Continent I can't replace.  Africa you have fill a space no other continent can fill & I will always love U Africa for dat.

This is also making its way to the research blog :-)

Gentlemen, I have to admit, you always surprise me in a pleasant way indeed!!!
one day soon, I will tell you why I get up every morning or afternoon, and why I am here.


Quote from: Dqueen on 2012-06-01 23:34
Quote from: Webmaster on 2012-05-25 12:53
A special smile 4 a special Continent, Land of my fathers. A special Continent I can't replace.  Africa you have fill a space no other continent can fill & I will always love U Africa for dat.

This is also making its way to the research blog :-)

Gentlemen, I have to admit, you always surprise me in a pleasant way indeed!!!
Dqueen, I'm beginning to fall in Love...   


Quote from: Webmaster on 2012-06-02 17:58
Dqueen, I'm beginning to fall in Love...   

loving is what we African brothers and sisters do for a living :-)
one day soon, I will tell you why I get up every morning or afternoon, and why I am here.


I Love you Africa may peace be unto you all round! may almighty God grant you wisdom and health all round!


Africa you're like a book dat has to b read to appreciate its beauty. However Africa you're one of d finest books ever written. How I wish u could b reprinted.
Get latest Africa's news at, also you can place sponsored guest posts & banner ads on the site.


Quote from: Mature on 2012-06-09 13:40
Africa you're like a book dat has to b read to appreciate its beauty. However Africa you're one of d finest books ever written. How I wish u could b reprinted.

This is very touching. May I ask you to explain what you mean in simple terms.

(I think I have an idea which is "Africa is something that you have to experience for you to appreciate it" but I am not sure if my interpretation is correct).
one day soon, I will tell you why I get up every morning or afternoon, and why I am here.


Quote from: Dqueen on 2012-07-02 01:19

(I think I have an idea which is "Africa is something that you have to experience for you to appreciate it" but I am not sure if my interpretation is correct).
Not sure, but have thought that too.

Africa, nice being my continent , If I could re arrange d alphabets of Love, i would put u Africa, I love u.
Have a pleasant day and enjoy wonderful world!


I love you Africa...I really do. We've been through a lot. Yes we have.
But I see the sunset in the horizon. Do you see it? We are almost there Africa...We are alost there.

come take a life is so endlessly delicious

Freedom Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Africa, a very special continent in the whole world.  Africa rich with minerals and farming land. I salute you My Mother Land!

Although you come from slavery and colonialism, whereby today, as a consequences of all that, most of us live in Poverty and have become Beggars in our own land. Our Great Grandfathers and Grandmothers used to make a living out of farming, but today we have became beggars of jobs and foods from the same farming land.

Non-Colonialism and Democracy still struggles to achieve the envisaged standard of living that we have all wished for. But all is not in vain. There is a Light at the end of the Tunnel. Like the Israelites who were captured in slavery in Egypt and came out and became the force to reckon with in the world of today, there is still hope for Better Life for all Africans.  Non-Colonialism and Democracy created an opportunity for Africa to become part of the small global environment. Africans are now exposed to many global opportunities to change their Lives for the better, especially with the advent of the Internet. It's up to us, Africans, to use internet, not mainly for socializing and entertainment, but to take advantage of many opportunities created by it to change our lives for the best.

God didn't create anyone to suffer and live in poverty. God created the world with enough wealth for all the people to live a decent and dignified lifestyle and it's up to us to claim our share! Yes, we acknowledge that Apartheid and Colonialism forced us into slavery and poverty, but like the Israelites who were delivered from slavery in Egypt, we are also delivered from Apartheid and Colonialism! Now it's the best time for all of us, with the opportunities created by Political Freedom and Democracy, to use our God given abilities to do what we want, when we want to, to claim our Economic Freedom.

With those words, I salute you Africa and Peace be with you!
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Freedom Lifestyle Entrepreneur

The Laptop Lifestyle: Life of Freedom and Flexibility to work from anywhere you want, when you want to and earn in your Leisure Time.

Anyone from anywhere in the world with Laptop/Computer and Internet connection can become a Freedom Lifestyle Entrepreneur.

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