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10 Tips when using electronic formS

Started by Perfect, 2011-03-26 08:06

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Background on electronic formS

You've decided you need electronic formS or have the feeling to be applied.

"An electronic form is a transaction between a user and the provider form. The form can be pre-filled with data from a database back-end before it is presented to the user. When the form is sent to the provider of the data is stored for use in a business process.

The most common reasons for using electronic formS are:

1. Cost savings by avoiding re-entry of data
2. Faster customer service resulting in improved customer satisfaction
3. Comply with a government regulation or industry.

There is no tool to turn a bad way good, and automating a bad way, just collects bad data more quickly - or alienate its users.

Following these ten tips will ensure that new formS are a success.

1. Choosing the right approach

Deciding which format to use depends on the form that is used for.

If your form is very short, as a way of connecting two boxes, then we suggest an HTML form.

You may be required to comply with regulation where the target users might be blind or disabled. HTML formS are easy to tend to be easier when complying with such regulations.

PDF formS are likely to be the best option if:

- There is some advantage to its users to keep the design of an existing paper form, such as whether it is likely that the copy of the paper to screen.

- The way previously only existed on paper and now want it to be electronic.

2. Skills Availability

Creating an electronic form and their deployment needs specific skills. Most often it is found that companies struggle with a shortage of skilled workers and the increased workload to implement the technology, even after buying the hardware and software.

Creating an electronic form requires different skills:

- Work with the installation of software and databases.

- Skill with words and understanding of business processes.

- Ability to design the field names, preferably with some knowledge of how the fields are used in the database.

- Working with field lengths, descriptions and validations.

- Understanding of business processes, the ability to find and fix bugs, work with word processors.

- Working with the web.

Most organizations find they have these skills available, but not necessarily in one person. For example, there may be someone who is good with databases, web, and validations, and someone who is good with word processors and includes the business processes.

You get the best results, quickly, if you identify people with appropriate skills to work together from the beginning.

3. Check that each form has the basics

Ensure that each form contains the following essential pieces of information:

- A logo, shield, or something that identifies who issued the form.

- A title that tells what the form is for.

- A final note saying what to do with him when he filled in.

- Contact information for how to get help with the form.

4. Adapting the method of implementation of the screen

Remove the instructions and format that is relevant only on paper: For example:

- "Write clearly in black ink," or "capital use."

- "Please check the box" (can not do on screen - say "please select" instead.)

- "Use a separate sheet if more space is needed (can not do on screen - consider offering an" add another page "button instead).

- Straight lines, said spaces and boxes.

Think about where to place the SEND or SEND button. The best place is usually at the bottom of the form.

Decide whether you really need a button that pulls all user input. If you think users will definitely want to do this, then create a button that says clearly "PULL ALL MY ANSWERS."

5. Modify the instructions

Most formS have too many words.

Goal of reducing half of them.

6. Establish rules for frequently asked questions

If you are only working with a form then skip this tip.

Most of us have to deal with a lot of ways. If you compare a selection of them, you'll find that there are some frequently asked questions.

For example:

- Personal information such as name, address, telephone number and email address.

- Declarations and consents.

- Requests for dates as the start date of a service.

- Official information as a reference number of a bill.

Your job will be quicker and easier for users, if you set some rules on how to ask for these repeated questions. For example:

- Decide on the order in which they ask for names such as title, name and surname.

- Decide whether to ask an address in a single block of multiple lines or will be divided into three or four lines.

- Decide whether to ask for the zip code first (and consider using a product search direction) or the last in the address.

- Decide if you need a model form customization portal through which the user receives a form of pre-filled with data base is already full for him automatically.

- Cut the statement to the absolute minimum that their lawyers will agree, and then use it consistently.

- Calculate the number of characters that is accepted at the standard questions, such as names. These will become your field lengths to automate the form.

It saves time if you do form a "template" that has the basic information and frequently asked questions laid down. You can use the "template" in Word, or just a basic starting document copy of each form.

7. Manage the ways in their life cycle

The formS may change over a period of time due to various reasons. It may be a legal reason, why ease of use or a specific business reason.

Make sure you have a simple strategy to use to manage versions of each form issued.

8. Think about the business reasons for validation

There are three levels of validation:

- Strict - the computer does not allow the user to proceed until the correct data is entered.

- Soft - the computer warns the user that the data is missing or wrong, but the user can proceed.

- None - no warning and the unit accepts any input.

Think about the business reasons for each validation. Paper formS that users can enter what I think they need to fulfill the purpose of the form. This means that if your particular response, it becomes unexpected, they can still fill out the form and proceed.

If you have strict validation, then you may lose some users whose circumstances are somewhat different from what you expected.

soft validations are the most difficult to program, but may offer the best user experience because users information about genuine slips but to enter the data in its response does not fit with their pre-defined ideas.

Choose any validation is the most easy, but can confuse users if they inadvertently commit minor errors.

9. Tidy up

Shapes that look neat are easier to fill in.

Check that you have consistently used capital. If the sentence (like this) is the easiest to read. Title case like this is the best option Next. ALL CAPITAL LETTERS AS THIS IS MORE DIFFICULT TO READ - avoid it.

If you decide to put colon after your questions, make sure you have them for each question.

Try to make all the boxes neatly line, both horizontally (according to the questions) and vertically.

Run a spell checker and grammar checker.

10. Test with real users

Ask some real users to test the target shape. Here is how to fill out, and ask them to tell what they think about it, because work through it.

Watching a real user work in his way is the best way to know if successful.

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