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5 Reasons Why Your Business Must Have an Online Presence

Started by Webm, 2012-09-02 19:40

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The Internet has officially changed the face of business and in case no one has done this for you already, let me be the first to formally welcome you to the "Information Age", or should we call it the "Internet Age".

The Internet is simply not a fad or a flavor of the week.  It is the real deal and it is here to stay.  It may morph in one way, shape, or form however, it is here to stay and the most successful businesses are taking advantage of it.

So why exactly should you take your business online?  Although there are tons of reasons, here are 5 key ones:

1. It is expected.  Quite simply, the Internet is one the first (if not the first) places people look to find out more about you, your business, and/or your product.  They look for your website as well as information they can find out about you from other websites.  Yes, I dare say it, in 99.9% of the cases, it will damage your credibility to some degree with a prospect if you cannot be found out there.

2. It is cheap.  Never in history has a marketing medium been available to all businesses, no matter the size of their company or bank account that afforded them so much possibility for success.

Obviously money if applied properly can increase your results on the Internet; however, you really can get started with little or no money.

3. It is immediate.  Face it.  We live in a world of instant gratification.  We want everything yesterday.  If something is not immediately available, we just may lose interest or worse yet get it from somewhere else – like your competition.

4. It is 24/7.  The Internet simply never sleeps.  Having and implementing an effective Internet strategy can be like having a well tuned marketing and sales force that continues to do your bidding around the clock.

5. It is global.  Why limit your business to the 15 minute radius surrounding your office?  Your current competition certainly isn't and new competitors are seemingly coming out of nowhere every day. 

Look at the Internet as a means to allow you to share your genius with prospects who otherwise might not have had the opportunity to experience what you have to offer.

So in closing, what's the best advice I can muster up on this topic?  Make a sincere effort to understand the Internet and the sheer power and opportunity it brings to your business.  Create a plan of attack and get in the game.  Play on the grandest court available today, the Internet!

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