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A Computer And Internet Glossary

Started by Perfect, 2011-03-28 09:32

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Using computers and the Internet in your business, it's easy to start feeling like you're drowning in a sea of ??nonsense. computer-related things tend to have their own language, and if it is not necessary to know all this, there are many confusing words and phrases you'll come through sooner or later. Here's a quick primer.

Bandwidth. Bandwidth is the amount of data your web site can send per second, and the amount of data that the visitor to your site can receive. If you do not have enough bandwidth, then the website will appear slowly. For this reason, you should choose a machine with a lot of bandwidth, as well as evidence that your site does not have much time to download on slower connections.

Browser. A browser is the software (see below) that visitors use the site to view it. The most popular browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer, which comes with Windows.

Cookie. Cookies are data files that your site can save someone else's computer to visit that site, so you can remember what they are if they return. You will find that people have problems when ordering from you almost inevitably be related to cookies - you have to be activated.

Download. The transfer of data from a web site to a computer.

Favorite. A favorite is a website that the user has stored to look again, selecting 'Add to Favorites "menu of your browser.

FTP. File Transfer Protocol. This is a common method of loading (see below) files to your website.

Javascript. A common language for writing 'scripts' on websites, which are small programs that make the site more interactive. Another common cause of problems for visitors.

JPEG. Joint Photographic Experts Group. This is the name of the most popular format for pictures on the web, the name of the group that came with it. If you want to put photos on your website, you must be saved as JPEG files.

Hardware. Hardware is computer equipment that physically exists. Is the opposite of software.

Accommodation. If you have a website available on the Internet, then you have to pay someone for this service. Is service to your site for people to see.

HTML. Hypertext Markup Language. A kind of code used to indicate the number of web pages, you must show, through a system of small tags. The labels 'b', for example, makes the text bold, and display 'img' tag a photo.

Hyperlink. A hyperlink is when a piece of text on a web page you can click to go to another site, or another page on the same site. For example, if you click your email address on your website allows someone to e-mail, your e-mail is a hyperlink.

Programming. This is when the computer is given instructions to tell what to do, using one of the many programming languages. Programming languages ??for the site are PHP and Perl.

Server. The server is on your website is stored, and is the server that is connecting people to visit the site. If someone says, for example, that your server is "down", which means that your website is inaccessible. Note that the server refers to both the hardware and software on this system.

Software. Programs running on your computer, or do their work site. Microsoft Word is software, such as Apache (the most popular web server). Hardware front.

Spider. Do not panic if a spider visits your site! Spiders are simply programs used by search engines to explore the site and help them decide where to pop up when people search. It's good to be visited by the spiders, because it means that you should start to appear on search engines before.

Upload. Uploading is when you transfer data from your computer to your website. For example, you may upload your logo, or an article you've written. In front of the discharge.

URL. Uniform Resource Locator. This is just a short way of saying 'Internet address', ie you have to write to get to your website. Sometimes pronounced as 'Earl'.

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