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Advantages & Disadvantages of Bluetooth

Started by Webm, 2011-10-28 10:15

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Using Bluetooth, you can run through a lot of advantages and at the same time and run a lot of disadvantages too. With about every great technology there must be something there that makes it not perfect. There is probably no such thing as a perfect product. Some advantages and disadvantages of Bluetooth includes the following.


Widely: Bluetooth is now very popular and is becoming more popular as time passes. It is now widely used in almost all countries around the world. Companies are taking advantage by using this in their new and future products to make life easier for everyone. Sooner or later, you will notice a bit of wireless due to Bluetooth. As it is, but most likely it will be more dominant. You can use Bluetooth on laptops, cell phones, music players, headsets, printers and many other products.

Role of simplicity: You need not know much about Bluetooth technology to execute. Any person who has no knowledge about the new technology may still be able to use the Bluetooth feature due to its simplicity and ease of use. I think the simplicity of it and the fact that cable is free makes it very popular and maximum use.

Free: Best of all, you do not have to pay a penny for the service! It is not an extra cell phone or cable bill to be added to your budget. Just because the technology and you're done! All you need do is connect to what you are using. There have been no reports lately on companies charging a monthly fee or dues for people to use the Bluetooth feature and I did not expect.

Go Wireless: You are allowed to be free from the bone and do not have to worry about finding the right place to connect that extra long cord. Avoid having to have a bunch of wires everywhere you go. You may still need a few strings, but not as much as it would without Bluetooth. You can also go online wirelessly with this feature when you are somewhere away from home.

Its control: Although you are able to exchange data through their mobile phones, you still have the ability to keep your private information. To make a transfer or allow another person to access the files on the phone, you will be given access to accept or reject the request through your phone. If you have the Bluetooth on the phone and not disabled during use, others do not even know ask them to send a file.


Battery Use: This is especially true on your cell phone, but also occurs in other technologies such as music players. You are using more battery power when you leave your Bluetooth enabled on your phone all day. Ignoring all this, the best you can do is disable it once you complete the transfer. It only takes seconds to turn what would not hurt to turn off once you've finished with it.

Bluetooth Internet: Throughout all devices, when using Bluetooth internet, the connection can sometimes run very slow for Internet Bluetooth is not recommended for all cases.

As can be seen that there are some advantages and fewer disadvantages. In general, Bluetooth is a great thing to be using all the devices it supports. You can do much with it, including cutting all the wires connected to their devices.


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