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An Introduction To Anonymous Surfing

Started by Perfect, 2011-04-21 05:41

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Privacy is a practice more to the right of ordinary people. That's why bathrooms have doors and locks, cubicles in the library are built to block the gaze of others, voting laws that allow you to cast a ballot anonymously exist, and the passengers do not sit on his lap in the subway (unless it's really crowded, of course) So it's no surprise that people expect a certain degree of privacy when browsing the Internet. In fact, many people think their online activities are entirely anonymous - after all, no one can see on the World Wide Web, right?

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Internet browsing is not necessarily anonymous, although it may seem. First, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) has the ability to record all sites of your IP address (Internet Protocol) address visits. Your IP address is like the computer is identified each time you connect to the Internet. Second, the royal visit websites that can easily track your IP address and register for future reference. Your IP address does not specify its actual name, but it is difficult for the owner of a particular website to link your IP address to your ISP.

It is safe to assume that most Internet surfers value online anonymity, because that is what makes the Internet a unique experience. For the first time in history, people around the world with access to a computer have been able to connect with others, communicate and share information without revealing personal information. Internet is the nickname of their identity. This is the opportunity to remain anonymous has enabled many people to practice freedom of expression and the use of Internet as a tool of expression.

When used for legitimate activities, the Internet creates a forum in which the average person can correspond with others who share similar interests and discuss issues that may be cause for shame, reprimand or prosecution in other circles. For example, using a pseudonym allows the individual to be creative, allows voice discontent concerned citizens about corporate practices, and battered allows minorities to express their feelings and discuss issues related to their experience without fear of reprisal . As a source of information, the Internet is also a good place to research sensitive topics such as hair loss, without revealing their identity. It is easy to see why people might want to protect their anonymity in the virtual world.

You may want to remain anonymous online for other reasons too. Some people need protection from the government, employers or companies. Companies use anonymous surfing to research your competition incognito, while lawyers use to visit websites that can help you make a strong case for a client without disclosing his conduct to the party in question, which could jeopardize a case. The average person wants to surf anonymously only to avoid the prying eyes of curious web sites and companies aggressive marketing.

So how to surf anonymously? The only way to keep your surfing habits is locked to hide your IP address using the anonymous web browsing technology. Anonymous Surfing Web, involves the use of a proxy server that sits between the user and the website you are visiting. Essentially, the web browser "talks" to the proxy server (instead of directly to the website) and the proxy server and then "talks" to the website, shielding your IP address from view. The website only sees the proxy server. Just be sure to choose a proxy server you trust because the proxy server IP address is known.

Despite all the anonymous browsing methods involve the use of a proxy server, there are several ways to do it. The first method works through another website. Just visit the proxy server and then type the URL of the site you want. You will then be taken to the website through the proxy server.

Another method requires you to download a client application. This is a program that takes care of everything, in connection with the proxy server in your name so you do not have to worry about anything except navigation.

An anonymous proxy web service is another way to stay anonymous online. With this method you need to configure your browser to point to an anonymous web proxy, but once it has achieved its performance should be relatively free of problems. These services are public and exists for the sole purpose of anonymous surfing proxy.

You can also set your browser to navigate through the choice of an anonymous server - the difference here is that an anonymous server not advertised as a web proxy service. Instead, you can find lists of these servers available on the Internet. Another difference: you can not know who is running the service, and as a result, the server would record the traffic on your web.

If you decide to hire a web proxy service, here are some things to consider:

1. There is a reputable service should establish an SSL or TLS tunnel for you. This means the network sniffers will not be able to spy on your browsing habits.

2. Choose a service that supports the protocols you want to use. Some offer FTP service, while others only support HTTP. Some also offer HTTPS, but not all.

3. A good indicator service must do more to hide your IP address. You should also remove the traffic, such as cookies, scripts, popups, banners, and reference information. Just make sure you have the option to configure these elements for web sites that require the use of cookies and pop-ups will not be unusable.

No matter how you choose to surf the web anonymously, will surely rest easy knowing that your privacy is at risk every time you connect.

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