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Are You Shooting Yourself In The Foot?

Started by Webm, 2011-10-29 09:57

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Have you ever been in a network function to talk to someone during conversation was very self-conscious trying to say the right thing? Were you afraid that maybe if the person said the wrong thing can not find it pleasant, so you do not want to do business with you? If so, I'll tell you why you should not worry about it. Like the nasty song "Do not Worry - Be Happy" years ago, I share with you the reason to be careful what we say goes against us in the network environment.

Our goal in business networking should be the establishment of new relationships through the monitoring process to develop over time. As with any relationship, be honest plays a big role in that development.

When we meet someone for the first time, we make a good impression. Often we get the "face of the party" so that we do. Often, this can cause problems that do not expect. One problem is that when we try to give the impression of being something that really does not feel within us, often we are afraid we are going to be "discovered." This fear makes us feel uncomfortable about the situation and although we may be smiling, we are slavish in its interior.

Most people worry about than simply being who they are, that no one can accept. I contend that if we limit ourselves, sooner or later, what we are getting out and then we will have to deal with the consequences of being discovered. This leads to a feeling of distrust between people.

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex in which they had not said anything important from the outset and later had to disclose or, even worse was revealed by accident? This leads to hard times after that and a lot of shuffling and apologize.

In my opinion it is better to risk what I am up front. To let people know exactly how I feel. People, for the most part, have a forgiving nature. He really wants to forgive. If you make a mistake and say something that can be potentially embarrassing, you can always apologize for it and be forgiven. But if you say something that is not necessarily true, and it was later discovered, your credibility can suffer permanent damage.

If you enter a network environment ready to be relaxed and genuine, you'll find it much more fun to be there. If you have a plan of action to really get to know people, you will be much more productive in a short period of time. People feel comfortable talking to you and you to them. In an environment of truth, more people will want to do business with you and be near you.

Genuine enthusiasm is contagious. They always seem to be more attractive when they are excited about what we are doing. When they are not worried about making mistakes, which seem to be happier. Be happy with the situation will help you smile more, and smiling face is a natural attractor of human beings.

The next time you attend a networking function, just be yourself. Their results will improve and you will feel better when they go home. Over time, the difference may be measured more than just your income. You find you have more friends than I had imagined possible. When it comes time to remission, remembers his friend because friends are really about friends.


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