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Create your own Streaming Audio studio for under $50.00

Started by Perfect, 2011-09-27 15:51

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Creating your own audio studio audio streaming has never been so easy. There are such great products around today that allows you to produce high quality audio streaming for a fraction of the price it used to cost.


The first thing you need is a compatible computer. Today every new computer is already configured with everything needed. A basic sound card with microphone and line-in jack. If you do not have a sound card are very cheap and you can get a good computer store of any standard.

Next you will need a good microphone. These come in all shapes and sizes with different configurations but generally a microphone all, as the Logitech canceling microphone is fine for beginners. I suggest a desktop, for starters, as you may want to move in the video later and so you do not want a headset in your videos.

Of course I could go on stage and get a professional microphone preamp, but it will start to operate in dollars and the overall objective of this paper is to get you started.

You will then need to get some cables to connect the tape recorder and other audio equipment. Again the computer stores now have packages that are pretty well any device connected to your computer to digitize the sound. You want to record directly to your computer however you can get the old tapes and vinyl records to digital format as well.


Sound recording is probably one of the most critical parts of this process over and over again can get software that ranges from free to many thousands of dollars. For this exercise I suggest you download the free copy of Audacity. This is an excellent free software package that lets you record from microphone or any other computer.

That provides excellent editing and also lets you edit multiple tracks and then combine them into one track. For a quick overview of how to do this you can see this video and download the software


The next piece of software you need for your studio is a converter program for converting different formats. For example, can have a real audio file and want to convert to mp3. dBpoweramp is like the Swiss Army knife of the audio industry and convert almost any file in any file format.

Convert from one format to another, almost every audio type supported: MP3, MP4, Windows Media Audio (WMA), Ogg Vorbis, AAC, Monkeys Audio, FLAC and many others, while preserving ID tags. Also rip CDs for you.


If you go to a direct current mp3 you may want to recompile the file to a smaller format. RazorLame is called "front-end" for use with LAME. LAME MP3 encoder is a large, which is very fast, producing high-quality files, has many advanced features (like Variable Bitrates and Joint Stereo), and is open source. Unfortunately, it is a command line utility, and that's where it enters RazorLame: Provides an easy to use graphical user interface which makes MP3 encoding even easier!

The best way to use this software to get a file and compile it into a number of different formats to assess the size and quality.


There are some different ways to stream audio files. If you have Macromedia products you can simple organize this your self however there are some great third party programs in everything we do everything for you at a fraction of the cost.

MP3 Sound Stream

This is a simple piece of software that takes any audio file MP3 or WAV and converts the entire file into a SWF file and attaches a button so that viewers can listen on a web page without downloading any additional software. This is because the Flash plug-in 98% of the calculated and if it will automatically detect and load the small plugin. This is ideal for anyone who did not want to go into all the technical aspects of streaming audio.

You do not have to reduce your files at all with this program as does everything for you. This is perfect for anyone who wants to transmit a file at a time and wants to quickly and efficiently. Current connections are even more modern.


For people who want to transmit a series of files MSIJukebox is a great alternative. This software lets you choose any number of mp3 files and then organizes them using an XML file. Using free software before you can significantly reduce the size of these files to save bandwidth.

Because the currents MSIJukebox mp3 real may also have a much higher quality of reproduction, including music files. This is much better for those who want to transmit a series of high quality mp3 files.


So there you have it. A study full set for under $ 100. Just download all the software free and purchase any of the products desired audio streaming. You can then create, edit and manipulate audio files you like. You can also add these audios to your website.

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