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Does Internet security software really work?

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-25 11:44

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In recent years there have been many securtity Internet tools to market of consumers who say they are providing excellent protection against online threats like phishing sites, trojans and viruses. Among Internet security packages are Norton Internet Security, Webroot Spy Sweeper, McAfee Antivirus and more. If the products actually so efficient in the fight against threats and protect our personal information being stolen?

With the introduction of Norton Internet Security 2007 comes with a new interface and a lower price than the private user can expect complete protection and personal banking online or information security while shopping online.

These Internet security tools, Norton Internet Security and, in particular, come with a lot of intelligent features that can give additional protection against threats yet unknown or unrecognized by the use of behavior control algorithms. However, many average users who never stray from the main Web sites are most of the characteristics of Internet security software available today unnecessary - is like buying a BMW for the drive only to church on Sundays.

For example, McAfee Internet security tools still feel heavy and clumsy, even if the new version, not finding the right balance between features, ease of use and performance.

Besides, many applications do not play well with other security software you may have installed on your PC. This is a third party anti-virus, anti spyware and anti-adware acquired from other vendors that applications may have been serving well so far and no reason to stop using them.

Therefore, I recommend taking a look at the features first, before any purchase decision is made - if you decide you do not need a BMW to drive to church once a week, a lighter, more user friendly Internet security software such as ZoneAlarm Internet Security 7, may be a better option.

Today, there are a few types of risks that may affect the security of your PC while browsing the web and install the downloaded software: viruses, Trojans, spyware, worms and rootkits. Ts programs can be installed on your computer to download the software from untrusted sources or visit web sites trapped weapons, often referred to as phishing sites.

Besides, malware often spread by sending fake emails to everyone in your address book. But not only pirated copies of software may contain malicious code - viruses often come from unsuspecting, and even some Sony music CDs inadvertently inflicted virus.

All antivirus software packages available today is especially to deal with these threats by scanning downloaded files, launch applications, input scan e-mails, attachments, and some of them even can scan instant messages blocking and deleting incoming malware. Security researchers say the antivirus software has become essential, but it is not sufficient because it meets all the dangerous places that day surfing the Web that can use clever techniques to launch an attack on your PC.

Some of the malware designed to steal sensitive information such as login credentials, passwords, personal information and even credit card numbers. Hackers to invent new ways to steal information from entering your computer or kidnapping of keystrokes as you type, store or bank.

While online identity theft has become a growing problem, protecting your computer from this type of threat is essential. Any piece of information you have on your computer or send via Internet may be to cybercriminals. That's why we need a strong Internet security protection - antivirus, firewall and anti-spyware software.

Research shows that most of the security and privacy threats come from adware, spyware and phishing. safety engineers support this type of threats are among the fastest growing threats to PC security and personal Web today. The main problem is that these applications are small programs that can be transported over the Internet and installed on the victim's computer in seconds and not be detected without a proper anti-malware program work in the background.

Some spyware and adware programs can be moderate is not harmful, to gather information about the sites you visit or what you do while working on the PC, however, there are still very dangerous spyware out there that can be used for example to connect your computer to a global network of infected machines - a botnet - that criminals often used for DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service).

An article entitled "Network Status 2006", published in September 2006 by Consumer Reports cites alarming statistics showing the damage caused by viruses, and Advar spywae teams owned by individuals and businesses. The magazine reports that nearly one million people replaced their computers over the past six months due to spyware infections.

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